VTL Transformations

This section describes the key concepts, assumptions and characteristics of the VTL which are needed to a VTL user to define Transformations. As mentioned in the section about the general characteristics above, the language is oriented to users without deep information technology (IT) skills, who should be able to define calculations and validations independently, without the intervention of IT personnel. Therefore, the VTL has been designed to make the definition of the Transformations as intuitive as possible and to reduce the chances of errors.

As already said, a Transformation consists of a statement that assigns the outcome of the evaluation of an Expression to an Artefact of the Information Model. Then, Transformations are made of the following components:

  • A right side, which contains the expression to be evaluated, whose inputs are the operands of the Transformation

  • An assignment operator

  • A left side, which specifies the Artefact which the outcome of the expression is assigned to (this is the result of the Transformation)

Examples of assignments are (assuming that Di (i=1…n) are Data Sets):

  • D1 := D2

  • D3 := D4 + D5

Assuming that E is the expression, R is the result and IOi (i=1,… n) the input Operands, the mathematical form of a Transformation based on E can be written as follows:

R := E (IO1, IO2, … , IOn)

The expression uses any number of VTL operators in combination to specify a compound operation. Because all the VTL operators are functional, the whole expression is functional too.

Transformations are properly chained for their execution; in fact, the result Ri of a Transformation Ti can be referenced as operand of another Transformation Tj. In this case, the former Transformation is evaluated first in order to provide the input for the latter. To enforce the consistency of the results, the cycles are not allowed, therefore in the case above the result Rj of the Transformation Tj cannot be operand of the Transformation Ti and cannot contribute to the calculation of any operand of Ti, even indirectly through a chain of other Transformations.

The order in which the user defines the Transformations may be important for a better understanding but cannot override the order of execution determined according their input-output relationships.

For the rules for the Transformation consistency, see also the section “Generic Model for Transformation” above.

A VTL program is a set of Transformations executed in the same run, which is defined as a Transformation Scheme.

The Expression

A VTL expression constitutes the right side of a Transformation. It takes one or more input operands and returns one output artefact.

An expression is the invocation of one or more operators in combination, in which the result of an operator is passed as input parameter to another operator, and so on, in a tree structure. The root of the tree structure is last operator to be applied and gives the final result.

For example, for the expression a + b - c the result of the addition a+b is passed to the following subtraction, which gives the final result.

An expression is built from the following ingredients:

  • Operators, which specify the operation to be performed (e.g. +, - and so on). As mentioned, the standard VTL operators are described in detail in the Reference Manual, moreover the VTL allows defining and then invoking “user defined operators” (see the Reference Manual, the VTL-DL for the definition and the VTL-ML for the invocation). Each operator envisages a certain number of input parameters of definite data types and produces an outcome having a definite data type (the types parameter are described in detail in the Reference Manual for each operator).

  • Operands, which are the actual arguments passed to the invoked Operators, for example writing D1 + D2 the Operator “+” is invoked and the Operands D1 and D2 are passed to it. The Operands can be:

    • Named artefacts, which are VTL artefacts specified through their names. Their actual values are obtained either referring to an external persistent source (persistent artefacts) or as result of previous Transformations (non-persistent artefacts) of the same Transformation Scheme; they are identified by means of a symbolic name (e.g. in D1 + D2 the Operands D1 and D2 are identified by the names D1 and D2). Examples of identified artefacts are the Data Sets (like D1 and D2 above) and the Data Set Components (like D1#C1, D1#C2, D1#C3, where # means that Cj is a Component of the Data Set Di).

    • Literals, which are VTL artefacts whose actual values are directly written in the expression; for example, in the invocation D1 + 7 the second operand (7) is a literal, in this case a scalar literal. Also other kind of artefacts can be written in the expressions, for example the curly brackets denote the value of a Set (for example {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} is the set of the integers from 1 to 6) and the square brackets denote a list (for example [7, 5, 3, 6, 3] is a list of numbers).

  • Parenthesis, which specify the order of evaluation of the operators; for example in the expression D1 * ( D2 + D3 ) first the sum D2 + D3 is evaluated and then their product for D1. In case the parenthesis are not used, the default order of evaluation (described in the Reference Manual) is applied (in the example, first the product and then the sum).

An expression implies different steps of calculation, for example the expression:

R := O1 + O2 / (O3 – O4 / O5)

can be calculated in the following steps:

  1. (O4 / O5)

  2. (O3 - I)

  3. (O2 / II)

  4. (O1 + III)

The intermediate and final results (I, II, III, IV) of the expression are assumed to be non-persistent (temporary). The persistency of the result Data Set R is controlled by the assignment operator, as described below.

An intermediate result within the expression can be only the input of other operators in the same expression.

In general, unless differently specified in the Reference Manual, in the invocation of an operator any operand can be the result of a sub-expression that calculates it. For example, taking the exponentiation whose syntax is

power(base, exponent),

the invocation power(D1 + D2 , 2) is allowed and means that first D1 + D2 is calculated and then the result is squared. As usual, the data type of the calculated operand must comply with the allowed data types of the corresponding Parameter (in the example above, D1 + D2 must have a numeric data type, otherwise it cannot be squared).

The nesting capabilities allow writing from very simple to very complex expressions. The complexity of the expressions can be managed by the users by splitting or merging transformations. For example, taking again the example above, the following two options would give the same result:

Option 1:

Dr := power(D1 + D2 , 2)

Option 2:

D3 := D1 + D2

Dr := power( D3 , 2)

In both cases, in fact, first D1 + D2 is evaluated and then the power operator is applied to obtain Dr.

In general, it is possible either to have simpler expressions by splitting and chaining Transformations or to have a minor number of Transformations by writing more complex expressions.

The Assignment

The assignment of an expression to an artefact is done through an assignment operator. The VTL has two assignment operators, the persistent and the non-persistent assignment:

<- persistent assignment

:= non-persistent assignment

The former assigns the outcome of the expression on the left side to a persistent artefact, the latter to a non-persistent one; therefore, the choice of the assignment operator allows controlling the persistency of the artefact that is result of the Transformation.

The only artefact that can be made persistent is the result (the left side artefact). In fact, as already mentioned, the intermediate and final results of the right side expression are always considered as non-persistent.

For example, taking again the example of Transformation above:

Dr := power(D1 + D2 , 2)

The result Dr can be declared as persistent by writing:

Dr <- power(D1 + D2 , 2)

Instead, to make persistent also the intermediate result of D1 + D2 it is necessary to split the Transformation like in the option 2 above:

D3 <- D1 + D2

Dr <- power( D3 , 2)

The persistent assignment operator is also called Put, because it is used to specify that a result must be put in a persistent store. The Put has two parameters, the first is the final result of the expression on the right side that has to be made persistent, the second is the reference to the persistent Data Set which will contain such a result.

The Result

The left side artefact, i.e. the result of the Transformation, is always a named Data Set (i.e. a Data Set identified by means of a symbolic name like explained in the previous section).

The data type and structure of the left side Data Set coincide with the data type and structure of the outcome of the expression, which must be a Data Set as well.

Almost all VTL operators act on Data Sets. Many VTL operators can act also on Data Set Components to produce other Data Set Components, however even in this case the outcome of the expression is a new Data Set that contains the calculated Components.

An expression can result also in scalar Value; because many VTL operators can act on scalar Values to obtain other scalar Values, furthermore some particular operations on Data Sets can eliminate Identifiers, Measures and Attributes and obtain scalar Values (see the Reference Manual). The result of such expressions is considered as a named Data Set that does not have Components (Identifiers, Measures and Attributes) and therefore contains just one scalar Value. The Data Sets without Components can be manipulated and possibly stored like any other Data Set. Because the VTL notion of Data Set is logical and not physical, more Data Set without Components can be stored in the same physical Data Set if appropriate.

The current VTL version does not include operators that produce other output data types, for example, there are not operators that manipulate Sets (however this is a possible future development).

In fact, the Data Set at the moment is the only type of Artefact that can be produced and stored permanently through a command of the language.

The names

The artefact names

The names are the labels that identify the “named” artefacts that are operands or result of the transformations.

For ensuring the correctness of the VTL operations, it is important to distinguish the names from the scalar literals when the expression is parsed. For this purpose, the disambiguation mechanism that distinguishes the types of the scalar literals must also be able of distinguishing names and scalar literals.

As already mentioned in the section about the scalar literals, the VTL does not prescribe any predefined disambiguation mechanism, leaving different VTL systems free to using they preferred or already existing ones. In these VTL manuals, anyway, there is the need to use some disambiguation mechanisms in order to explain the behaviour of the VTL operators and give proper examples. These mechanisms are not intended to be mandatory and therefore, strictly speaking, they are not part of the VTL standard specifications. If no drawbacks exist, however, their adoption is encouraged to foster the convergence between possible different practices. If VTL rules are exchanged, the disambiguation mechanisms should be communicated to the counterparties, at least if they are different from the one suggested hereinafter.

The general rules for the names are given below. As said above, these rules can be personalized (for example restricted) in some implementations (e.g. a particular implementation can require that a name starts with a letter).

The names are strings of characters no more than 128 characters long and are classified in regular and non-regular names.

The regular names:

  • can contain alphabetic and numeric characters and the special characters underscore (_) and dot (.) ,

  • must begin with an alphanumeric character and not with a special character

  • must contain at least one alphabetic character

  • cannot be a VTL reserved word

Examples or regular names are abcdef, 1ab_cde, a.b.c_d_e, 1234_5.

The regular names are:

  • written in the Transformations / Expressions without delimiters

  • case insensitive

The non-regular names:

  • can contain alphanumeric characters and, in addition to the underscore and the dot, any other Unicode character

  • can contain blanks

  • can begin with special characters

  • can contain only numeric characters

  • can be equal to the VTL reserved words

The non-regular names are:

  • written in the Transformations / Expressions with single quotes as delimiters

  • case sensitive

Examples of non-regular names, which therefore are enclosed in single quotes, are ’_abcdef’, ‘1ab-cde’, ‘12345’, ‘power’ (the first begins with a special character, the second contains the “-“ character that is not allowed, the third contains only numeric characters, the fourth coincides to a VTL reserved word (the name of the exponentiation operator). These names would not be recognized by VTL if not enclosed between single quotes.

The VTL reserved words (and symbols) are:

  • the keywords of the VTL-ML and VTL-DL operators and of their parameters (e.g. <, := , # , inner_join, as, using, filter, apply, rename, to, + , - , power, and, or, not, group by, group except, group all, having …)

  • the names of the classes of VTL artefacts of the VTL-IM (e.g., value, value domain, value domain subset, set, variable, component, data set, data structure, operator, operand parameter, transformation …)

  • additional keywords for possible future use like get, put, join, map, mapping, merge, transcode and the names of commonly used mathematical and statistical functions.

The environment name

In order to ensure non-ambiguous definitions and operations, the names of the artefacts must be unique, meaning that an identifier cannot be assigned to more than one artefact.

In practice, the unicity of the names is ensured in a certain environment, that can be also called namespace (i.e. the space in which the names are assigned without ambiguities). For examples, more Institutions (agencies) which operate independently can assign the same name to different artefacts, therefore they are cannot be considered as part of the same environment.

The artefacts input to a Transformation can come also from other environments than the one in which the Transformation is defined. In these cases, the artefact identifier must be accompanied by a Namespace, which specifies the Data Set environment, to univocally identify the artefact to retrieve (for example the Data Set).

Therefore, the reference to an artefact belonging to a different environment assume the following form:


Namespace is the identifier of the environment and Name is the identifier of the artefact within the environment. The separator is the backslash (\).

When the Namespace is not specified, the artefact is assumed to belong to the same environment as the Transformation.

The result of a Transformation is always assumed to belong to the same environment as the Transformation, therefore the specification of the namespace of the result is not allowed.

Within a given environment, the names of all the VTL artefacts (such as Value Domains, Sets, Variables, Components, Data Sets) are assigned by the users.

Some VTL Operators assume that a VTL environment have certain default names for some kinds of Variables or Value Domains which are needed to perform the correspondent operations (for example, the operators which transform the data type of the Measure of the input Data Sets assign a default name to the resulting Measure, the check operators assign default names to Components and Value Domains needed to represent the results of the checks). In the VTL manuals, some definite default names are adopted for explanatory purposes, however these names are not mandatory and can be personalised if needed. If VTL rules are exchanged between different VTL systems, the partners of the exchange must be aware of the names adopted by the counterparties.

The connection to the persistent storage

As described in the VTL IM, the Data Set is considered as an artefact at a logical level, equivalent to a mathematical function. A VTL Data Set contains the set of Data Points that are the occurrences of the function. Each Data Point is interpreted an association between a combination of values of the independent variables (the Identifiers) and the corresponding values of the dependent variables (the Measures and Attributes).

Therefore, the VTL statements reference the conceptual/logical Data Sets and not the objects in which they are persistently stored. As already mentioned, there can be any relationships between the VTL logical Data Sets and the corresponding persistent objects (one VTL Data Set in one storage object, more VTL Data Sets in one storage object, one VTL Data Set in more storage objects, more VTL Data Sets in more storage objects). The mapping between the VTL Data Sets and the storage objects is out of the scope of the VTL and is left to the implementations.