define hierarchical ruleset
This operator defines a persistent Hierarchical Ruleset that contains Rules to be applied to individual Components of a given Data Set in order to make validations or calculations according to hierarchical relationships between the relevant Code Items. These Rulesets are also called “vertical” taking into account the tabular representation of a Data Set (considered as a mathematical function), in which each (vertical) column represents a variable and each (horizontal) row represents a Data Point: these Rulesets are applied on variables (columns), i.e., vertically on the tabular representation of a Data Set.
A main purpose of the hierarchical Rules is to express some more aggregated Code Items (e.g. the continents) in terms of less aggregated ones (e.g., their countries) by using Code Item Relationships. This kind of relations can be applied to aggregate data, for example to calculate an additive measure (e.g., the population) for the aggregated Code Items (e.g., the continents) as the sum of the corresponding measures of the less aggregated ones (e.g., their countries). These rules can be used also for validation, for example to check if the additive measures relevant to the aggregated Code Items (e.g., the continents) match the sum of the corresponding measures of their component Code Items (e.g., their countries), provided that the input Data Set contains all of them, i.e. the more and the less aggregated Code Items.
Another purpose of these Rules is to express the relationships in which a Code Item represents some part of another one, (e.g., “Africa” and “Five largest countries of Africa”, being the latter a detail of the former). This kind of relationships can be used only for validation, for example to check if a positive and additive measure (e.g., the population) relevant to the more aggregated Code Item (e.g., Africa) is greater than the corresponding measure of the other more detailed one (e.g., “5 largest countries of Africa”).
The name “hierarchical” comes from the fact that this kind of Ruleset is able to express the hierarchical relationships between Code Items at different levels of detail, in which each (aggregated) Code Item is expressed as a partition of (disaggregated) ones. These relationships can be recursive, i.e., the aggregated Code Items can be in their turn component of even more aggregated ones, without limitations about the number of recursions.
As a first simple example, the following Hierarchical Ruleset named “BeneluxCountriesHierarchy” contains a single rule that asserts that, in the Value Domain “Geo_Area”, the Code Item BENELUX is the aggregation of the Code Items BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG and NETHERLANDS:
define hierarchical ruleset BeneluxCountriesHierarchy (valuedomain rule Geo_Area ) is
end hierarchical ruleset
define hierarchical ruleset rulesetName ( hrRulesetSignature ) is
end hierarchical ruleset
hrRulesetSignature ::= vdRulesetSignature | varRulesetSignature
vdRulesetSignature ::= valuedomain { condition vdConditioningSignature } rule ruleValueDomain
vdConditioningSignature ::= condValueDomain { as vdAlias } { , condValueDomain { as vdAlias } }*
varRulesetSignature ::= variable { condition varConditioningSignature} rule ruleVariable
varConditioningSignature ::= condVariable { as vdAlias } { , condVariable { as vdAlias } }*
hrRule ::= { ruleName :} codeItemRelation { errorcode errorCode } { errorlevel errorLevel }
- codeItemRelation ::= { when leftCondition then }
- leftCodeItem { = | > | < | >= | <=}:sup:1{ + | - } rightCodeItem { [ rightCondition ] }{ { + | - }1 rightCodeItem { [ rightCondition ] } }*
Syntax description
rulesetName |
the name of the Hierarchical Ruleset to be defined. |
hrRulesetSignature |
the signature of the Ruleset. It specifies the Value Domain or Variable on which the Ruleset is defined, and the Conditioning Signature. |
vdRulesetSignature |
the signature of a Ruleset defined on Value Domains |
varRulesetSignature |
the signature of a Ruleset defined on Variables |
hrRule |
a single hierarchical rule, as described below. |
vdConditioningSignature |
specifies the Value Domains on which the conditions are defined. The Ruleset is meant to be applicable to the Data Sets having Components that take values on the Value Domain on which the ruleset is defined (i.e., ruleValueDomain) and on the conditioning Value Domains (i.e., condValueDomain). |
ruleValueDomain |
the Value Domain on which the Ruleset is defined |
condValueDomain |
a conditioning Value Domain of the Ruleset |
vdAlias |
an (optional) alias assigned to a Value Domain and valid only within the Ruleset, this can be used for the sake of compactness in writing leftCondition and rightCondition. If an alias is not specified then the name of the Value Domain (i.e., condValueDomain) must be used. |
varConditioningSignature |
the signature of the (possible) conditions of the Ruleset defined on Variables. It specifies the Represented Variables (see the information model) on which these conditions are defined. The Ruleset is meant to be applicable to any Data Set having Components which are defined by the Variable on which the Ruleset is expressed (i.e., variable) and on the Conditioning Variables. |
ruleVariable |
the variable on which the Ruleset is defined |
condVariable |
a conditioning Variable of the Ruleset |
varAlias |
an (optional) alias assigned to a Variable and valid only within the Ruleset, this can be used for the sake of compactness in writing leftCondition and rightCondition. If an alias is not specified then the name of the Variableomain (parameter condVariable) must be used. |
ruleName |
the name assigned to the specific Rule within the Ruleset. If the Ruleset is used for validation then the ruleName identifies the validation results of the various Rules of the Ruleset. The ruleName is optional and, if not specified, is assumed to be the progressive order number of the Rule in the Ruleset. However please note that, if ruleName is omitted, then the Rule names can change in case the Ruleset is modified, e.g., if new Rules are added or existing Rules are deleted, and therefore the users that interpret the validation results must be aware of these changes. In addition, if the results of more than one Ruleset have to be combined in one Data Set, then the user should make the relevant rulesetNames different. |
codeItemRelation |
specifies a (possibly conditioned) Code Item Relation. It expresses a logical relation between Code Items belonging to the Value Domain of the hrRulesetSignature, possibly conditioned by the Values of the Value Domains or Variables of the Conditioning Signature. The relation is expressed by one of the symbols =, >, >=, <, <=, that in this context denote special logical relationships typical of Code Items. The first member of the relation is a single Code Item. The second member of the relationship is the composition of one or more Code Items combined using the symbols + or -, which in turn also denote special logical operators typical of Code Items. The meaning of these symbols is better explained below and in the User Manual. |
errorCode |
a literal denoting the error code associated to the rule, to be assigned to the possible non-valid results in case the Rule is used for validation. If omitted then no error code is assigned (NULL value). VTL assumes that a Value Domain errorcode_vd of the error codes exists in the Information Model and contains all the possible error codes: the errorCode literal must be one of the possible Values of such a Value Domain. VTL assumes also that a Variable errorcode for describing the error codes exists in the IM and is a dependent variable of the Data Sets which contain the results of the validation. |
errorLevel |
a literal denoting the error level (severity) associated to the rule, to be assigned to the possible non-valid results in case the Rule is used for validation. If omitted then no error level is assigned (NULL value). VTL assumes that a Value Domain errorlevel_vd of the error levels exists in the Information Model and contains all the possible error levels: the errorLevel literal must be one of the possible Values of such a Value Domain. VTL assumes also that a Variable errorlevel for describing the error levels exists in the IM and is a dependent variable of the Data Sets which contain the results of the validation. |
leftCondition |
a boolean expression which defines the pre-condition for evaluating the left member Code Item (i.e., it is evaluated only when the leftCondition is TRUE); It can contain references to the Value domains or the Variables of the conditioningSignature of the Ruleset and Constants; all the VTL-ML component level operators are allowed. The leftCondition is optional, if missing it is assumed to be TRUE and the Rule is always evaluated. |
leftCodeItem |
a Code Item of the Value Domain specified in the hrRulesetSignature. |
rightCodeItem |
a Code Item of the Value Domain specified in the hrRulesetSignature. |
rightCondition |
a boolean scalar expression which defines the condition for a right member Code Item to contribute to the evaluation of the Rule (i.e., the right member Code Item is taken into account only when the relevant rightCondition is TRUE). It can contain references to the Value Domains or Variables of the vdConditioningSignature or varConditioningSignature of the Ruleset and Constants; all the VTL-ML component level operators are allowed. The rightCondition is optional, if omitted then it is assumed to be TRUE and the right member Code Item is always taken into account. |
Input parameters type
name < ruleset >
name <valuedomain >
name <valuedomain >
leftCondition and rightCondition can refer only to Value Domains or Variables specified in vdConditioningSignature or varConditioningSignature.
Either the ruleName is specified for all the Rules of the Ruleset or for none.
If specified, the ruleName must be unique within the Ruleset.
Semantic specification
This operator defines a Hierarchical Ruleset named rulesetName that can be used both for validation and calculation purposes (see check_hierarchy and hierarchy). A Hierarchical Ruleset is a set of Rules expressing logical relationships between the Values (Code Items) of a Value Domain or a Represented Variable.
Each rule contains a Code Item Relation, possibly conditioned, which expresses the relation between Code Items to be enforced. In the relation, the left member Code Item is put in relation to a combination of one or more right member Code Items. The kinds of relations are described below.
The left member Code Item can be optionally conditioned through a leftCondition, a boolean expression which defines the cases in which the Rule has to be applied (if not declared the Rule is applied ever). The participation of each right member Code Item in the Relation can be optionally conditioned through a rightCondition, a boolean expression which defines the cases in which the Code Item participates in the relation (if not declared the Code Item participates to the relation ever).
As for the mathematical meaning of the relation, please note that each Value (Code Item) is the representation of an event belonging to a space of events (i.e., the relevant Value Domain), according to the notions of “event” and “space of events” of the probability theory (see also the section on the Generic Models for Variables and Value Domains in the VTL IM). Therefore the relations between Values (Code Items) express logical implications between events.
The envisaged types of relations are: “coincides” (=), “implies” (<), “implies or coincides” (<=), “is implied by” (>), “is implied by or coincides” (>=) [2]. For example:
UnitedKingdom < Europe
means that UnitedKingdom implies Europe (if a point belongs to United Kingdom it also belongs to Europe).
January2000 < year2000
means that January of the year 2000 implies the year 2000 (if a time instant belongs to “January 2000” it also belongs to the “year 2000”)
The first member of a Relation is a single Code Item. The second member can be either a single Code Item, like in the example above, or a logical composition of Code Items giving another Code Item as result. The logical composition can be defined by means of Code Item Operators, whose goal is to compose some Code Items in order to obtain another Code Item.
Please note that the symbols + and - do not denote the usual operations of sum and subtraction, but logical operations between Code Items which are seen as events of the probability theory. In other words, two or more Code Items cannot be summed or subtracted to obtain another Code Item, because they are events and not numbers, however they can be manipulated through logical operations like “OR” and “Complement”.
Note also that the + also acts as a declaration that all the Code Items denoted by + in the formula are mutually exclusive one another (i.e., the corresponding events cannot happen at the same time), as well as the - acts as a declaration that all the Code Items denoted by - in the formula are mutually exclusive one another and furthermore that each one of them is a part of (implies) the result of the composition of all the Code Items having the + sign.
At intuitive level, the symbol + means “with” (Benelux = Belgium with Luxembourg with Netherland) while the symbol - means “without” (EUwithoutUK = EuropeanUnion without UnitedKingdom).
When these relationships are applied to additive numeric measures (e.g., the population relevant to geographical areas), they allow to obtain the measure values of the compound Code Items (i.e., the population of Benelux and EUwithoutUK) by summing or subtracting the measure values relevant to the component Code Items (i.e., the population of Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherland). This is why these logical operations are denoted in VTL through the same symbols as the usual sum and subtraction. Please note also that this property is valid whichever is the Data Set and whichever is the additive measure (provided that the possible other Identifier Components of the Data Set Structure have the same values), therefore the Rulesets of this kind are potentially largely reusable.
The Ruleset Signature specifies the space on which the Ruleset is defined, i.e., the ValueDomain or Variable on which the Code Item Relations are defined (the Ruleset is meant to be applicable to Data Sets having a Component which takes values on such a Value Domain or are defined by such a Variable). The optional vdConditioningSignature specifies the conditioning Value Domains (the conditions can refer only to those Value Domains), as well as the optional varConditioningSignature specifies the conditioning Variables (the conditions can refer only to those Variables).
The Hierarchical Ruleset may act on one or more Measures of the input Data Set provided that these measures are additive (for example it cannot be applied on a measure containing a “mean” because it is not additive).
Within the Hierarchical Rulesets there can be dependencies between Rules, because the inputs of some Rules can be the output of other Rules, so the former can be evaluated only after the latter. For example, the data relevant to the Continents can be calculated only after the calculation of the data relevant to the Countries. As a consequence, the order of calculation of the Rules is determined by their mutual dependencies and can be different from the order in which the Rules are written in the Ruleset. The dependencies between the Rules form a directed acyclic graph.
The Hierarchical ruleset can be used for calculations to calculate the upper levels of the hierarchy if the data relevant to the leaves (or some other intermediate level) are available in the operand Data Set of the hierarchy operator (for more information see also the “Hierarchy” operator). For example, having additive Measures broken by region, it would be possible to calculate these Measures broken by countries, continents and the world. Besides, having additive Measures broken by country, it would be possible to calculate the same Measures broken by continents and the world.
When a Hierarchical Ruleset is used for calculation, only the Relations expressing coincidence (=) are evaluated (provided that the leftCondition is TRUE, and taking into account only right-side Code Items whose rightCondition is TRUE). The result Data Set will contain the compound Code Items (the left members of those relations) calculated from the component Code Items (the right member of those Relations), which are taken from the input Data Set (for more details about the evaluation options see the hierarchy operator). Moreover, the clauses typical of the validation are ignored (e.g., ErrorCode, ErrorLevel).
The Hierarchical Ruleset can be also used to filter the input Data Points. In fact if some Code Items are defined equal to themselves, the relevant Data Points are brought in the result unchanged. For example, the following Ruleset will maintain in the result the Data Points of the input Data Set relevant to Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherland and will add new Data Points containing the calculated value for Benelux:
define hierarchical ruleset BeneluxRuleset ( valuedomain rule GeoArea) is
Belgium = Belgium
; Luxembourg = Luxembourg
; Netherlands = Netherlands
; Benelux = Belgium + Luxembourg + Netherlands
end hierarchical ruleset
The Hierarchical Rulesets can be used for validation in case various levels of detail are contained in the Data Set to be validated (see also the check_hierarchy operator for more details). The Hierarchical Rulesets express the coherency Rules between the different levels of detail. Because in the validation the various Rules can be evaluated independently, their order is not significant.
If a Hierarchical Ruleset is used for validation, all the possible Relations (=, >, >=, <, <=) are evaluated (provided that the leftCondition is TRUE and taking into account only right-side Code Items whose rightCondition is TRUE). The Rules are evaluated independently. Both the Code Items of the left and right members of the Relations are expected to belong to and taken from the input Data Set (for more details about the evaluation options see the check_hierarchy operator). The Antecedent Condition is evaluated and, if TRUE, the operations specified in the right member of the Relation are performed and the result is compared to the first member, according to the specified type of Relation. The possible relations in which Code Items are defined as equal to themselves are ignored. Further details are described in the check_hierarchy operator.
If the data to be validated are in different Data Sets, either they can be joined in advance using the proper VTL operators or the validation can be done by comparing those Data Sets directly, without using a Hierarchical Ruleset (see also the check operator).
Through the right and left Conditions, the Hierarchical Rulesets allow to declare the time validity of Rules and Relations. In fact leftCondition and RightCondition can be defined in term of the time Value Domain, expressing respectively when the left member Code Item has to be evaluated (i.e., when it is considered valid) and when a right member Code Item participates in the relation.
The following two simplified examples show possible ways of defining the European Union in term of participating Countries.
Example 1 (for simplicity the time literals are written without the needed “cast” operation)
define hierarchical ruleset EuropeanUnionAreaCountries1
( valuedomain condition ReferenceTime as Time rule GeoArea ) is
when between (Time, “1.1.1958”, “31.12.1972”)
then EU = BE + FR + DE + IT + LU + NL
; when between (Time, “1.1.1973”, “31.12.1980”)
then EU = *… same as above …* + DK + IE + GB
; when between (Time, “1.1.1981”, “02.10.1985”)
then EU = *… same as above …* + GR
; when between (Time, “1.1.1986”, “31.12.1994”)
then EU = *… same as above …* + ES + PT
; when between (Time, “1.1.1995”, “30.04.2004”)
then EU = *… same as above …* + AT + FI + SE
; when between (Time, “1.5.2004”, “31.12.2006”)
then EU = *… same as above …* +CY+CZ+EE+HU+LT+LV+MT+PL+SI+SK
; when between (Time, “1.1.2007”, “30.06.2013”)
then EU = *… same as above …* + BG + RO
; when >= “1.7.2013”
then EU = *… same as above …* + HR
end hierarchical ruleset
Example 2 (for simplicity the time literals are written without the needed “cast” operation)
define hierarchical ruleset EuropeanUnionAreaCountries2
(valuedomain condition ReferenceTime as Time rule GeoArea ) is
EU = AT [ Time >= “0101.1995” ]
+ BE [ Time >= “01.01.1958” ]
+ BG [ Time >= “01.01.2007” ]
+ …
+ SE [ Time >= “01.01.1995” ]
+ SI [ Time >= “01.05.2004” ]
+ SK [ Time >= “01.05.2004” ]
end hierarchical ruleset
The Hierarchical Rulesets allow defining hierarchies either having or not having levels (free hierarchies). For example, leaving aside the time validity for sake of simplicity:
define hierarchical ruleset GeoHierarchy ( valuedomain rule Geo_Area) is
World = Africa + America + Asia + Europe + Oceania
; Africa = Algeria + … + Zimbabwe
; America = Argentina + … + Venezuela
; Asia = Afghanistan + … + Yemen
; Europe = Albania + … + VaticanCity
; Oceania = Australia + … + Vanuatu
; Afghanistan = AF_reg_01 + … + AF_reg_N
… … … … … …
; Zimbabwe = ZW_reg_01 + … + ZW_reg_M
; EuropeanUnion = … + … + … + …
; CentralAmericaCommonMarket = … + … + … + …
; OECD_Area = … + … + … + …
end hierarchical ruleset
The Hierarchical Rulesets allow defining multiple relations for the same Code Item.
Multiple relations are often useful for validation. For example, the Balance of Payments item “Transport” can be broken down both by type of carrier (Air transport, Sea transport, Land transport) and by type of objects transported (Passengers and Freights) and both breakdowns must sum up to the whole “Transport” figure. In the following example a RuleName is assigned to the different methods of breaking down the Transport.
define hierarchical ruleset TransportBreakdown ( variable rule BoPItem ) is
transport_method1 : Transport = AirTransport + SeaTransport +
; transport_method2 : Transport = PassengersTransport +
end hierarchical ruleset
Multiple relations can be useful even for calculation. For example, imagine that the input Data Set contains data about resident units broken down by region and data about non-residents units broken down by country. In order to calculate a homogeneous level of aggregation (e.g., by country), a possible Ruleset is the following:
define hierarchical ruleset CalcCountryLevel ( valuedomain condition
Residence rule GeoArea) is
when Residence = “resident” then Country1 = Country1
; when Residence = “non-resident” then Country1 = Region11+ … +Region1M
; when Residence = “resident” then CountryN = CountryN
; when Residence = “non-resident” then CountryN = Region N1+ …+ RegionNM
end hierarchical ruleset
In the calculation, basically, for each Rule, for all the input Data Points and provided that the conditions are TRUE, the right Code Items are changed into the corresponding left Code Item, obtaining Data Points referred only to the left Code Items. Then the outcomes of all the Rules of the Ruleset are aggregated together to obtain the Data Points of the result Data Set.
As far as each left Code Item is calculated by means of a single Rule (i.e., a single calculation method), this process cannot generate inconsistencies.
Instead if a left Code Item is calculated by means of more Rules (e.g., through more than one calculation method), there is the risk of producing erroneous results (e.g., duplicated data), because the outcome of the multiple Rules producing the same Code Item are aggregated together. Proper definition of the left or right conditions can avoid this risk, ensuring that for each input Data Point just one Rule is applied.
If the Ruleset is aimed only at validation, there is no risk of producing erroneous results because in the validation the rules are applied independently.
1) The Hierarchical Ruleset is defined on the Value Domain “sex”: Total is defined as Male + Female. No conditions are defined.
- ::
define hierarchical ruleset sex_hr (valuedomain rule sex) is
end hierarchical ruleset
2) BENELUX is the aggregation of the Code Items BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG and NETHERLANDS. No conditions are defined.
define hierarchical ruleset BeneluxCountriesHierarchy (valuedomain rule GeoArea) is
end hierarchical ruleset
3) American economic partners. The first rule states that the value for North America should be greater than the value reported for US. This type of validation is useful when the data communicated by the data provider do not cover the whole composition of the aggregate but only some elements. No conditions are defined.
define hierarchical ruleset american_partners_hr (variable rule PartnerArea) is
end hierarchical ruleset
4) Example of an aggregate Code Item having multiple definitions to be used for validation only. The Balance of Payments item “Transport” can be broken down by type of carrier (Air transport, Sea transport, Land transport) and by type of objects transported (Passengers and Freights) and both breakdowns must sum up to the total “Transport” figure.
define hierarchical ruleset validationruleset_bop (variable rule BoPItem ) is
transport_method1 : Transport = AirTransport + SeaTransport +
; transport_method2 : Transport = PassengersTransport +
end hierarchical ruleset