VTL Operators

As mentioned, the VTL is made of Operators, which are the basic operations that the language can do. For example, the VTL has mathematical operators (e.g. sum (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/)…), string operators (e.g. string concatenation, substring…), comparison operators (e.g. equal (=), greater than (>), lesser than (<)…), logical operators (e.g. and, or, not…) and so on.

An Operator has some input and output Parameters, which are its a-priori unknown operands and result, have a definite role in the operation (e.g. dividend, divisor or quotient for the division) and correspond to a certain type of artefact (e.g. a “Data Set”, a “Data Set Component”, a “scalar Value”…).

The VTL operators are considered as functions (high-order functions [32]), which manipulate one or more input first-order functions (the operands) to produce one output first-order function (the result).

Assuming that F is the function corresponding to an operator, that P0 is its output parameter and that Pi (i=1,… n) are its input parameters, the mathematical form of an operator can be written as follows:

P0 = F (P1, … , Pn)

The function F composes the Parameters Pi to obtain P0 (as mentioned, Pi (i=1,…,n) and P0 must be first order functions). In the common case in which the Parameters are Data Sets, F composes the Data Points of the input Data Sets Di (i=1,…,n) to obtain the Data Points of the output Data Set D0.

When an Operator is invoked, for each input Parameter an actual argument (operand) is passed to the Operator, which returns an argument (result) for the output Parameter.

Each parameter has a type, which is the data type of the possible arguments that can be passed or returned for it. For example, the parameters of a multiplication are of type number, because only the numbers can be multiplied (in fact for example the strings cannot). For a deeper explanation of the data types see the corresponding section.

The categories of VTL operators

The VTL operators are classified according to the following categories.

  1. The VTL standard library contains the standard VTL operators: they are described in detail in the Reference Manual.

On the technical perspective, the standard VTL operations can be divided into the following two sub-categories:

  1. The core set of operations; these are the primitive ones, so that all the other operations can be defined in terms of them. The core operations are:

    1. The operations that accept scalar arguments as operands and return a scalar value (for example the sum between numeric scalar values, the concatenation between string scalar values, the logical operation between boolean scalar values …).

    2. The various kinds of Join operators, which allow to apply the scalar operations at the Data Set level, i.e. to compose Data Sets with scalar values or with other Data Sets.

    3. Other special operators which cannot be defined by means of the previous two categories (for example the analytical functions).

  2. The non-core standard operations; they are standard VTL operations as well but are not “primitive” and can be derived from the core operations. Examples of these operations are the ones that allow to compose Data Sets and scalar values or Data Sets and other Data Sets (besides the various kinds of Join operators and the special operators mentioned above). Examples of non-core operations are the sum between numeric Data Sets, the concatenation between string Data Sets, the logical operations between boolean Data Sets, the union operator, some postfix operators like calc, filter, rename (see the Reference Manual).

Most VTL Operators of the standard library (for example numerical, string, logical operators and others) can operate both on scalar Values and on Data Sets, an thus they have two variants: a scalar and a data set variant. The scalar variant is part of the VTL core, while the Data Set variant usually not.

Anyway, the VTL users do not need distinguish between core and non-core operators, because in the practice the use of both these categories of Operators is the same.

  1. The user-defined operators are non-standard VTL operators that can be defined by the users in order to enhance and personalize the language if needed. VTL provides a special operator, called “define operator” (see the Reference Manual), for the creation of user-defined operators as well as a special syntax to invoke them.

The input parameters

The input parameters may have various goals and in particular:

  • identify the model artefacts to be manipulated

  • specify possible options for the operator behaviour

  • specify additional scalar values required to perform the operator’s behaviour.

For example, in the “Join” operator, the first N parameters identify the Data Sets to be joined while the “using” parameter specifies the components on which the join must operate.

Depending on the number of the input parameters, the Operators can be classified in:

Unary having just one input parameter

Binary having two input parameters

N-ary having more input parameters

Examples of unary Operators are the change of sign, the minimum, the maximum, the absolute value. Examples of binary Operators are the common arithmetical operators ( +, -, *, /). Examples of N-ary operators are the substring, the string replacement, the Join. It is also possible the extreme case of operators having zero input parameters (e.g. an operator returning the current time).

The invocation of VTL operators

Operators have different invocation styles:

  • Prefix, only for unary operators, in which the operator is written before the operand; the general forms of invocation is:

Operator Operand (e.g. -D2 which changes the sign of D2)

  • Infix, only for binary operators. The operator symbol appears between the operands; the general form of invocation is:

FirstOperand Operator SecondOperand (e.g. D1 + D2)

  • Postfix, only for unary operators. The operator symbol appears after the operand in square brackets and follows its operand; the general forms of invocation is:

Operand [Operator]

(e.g. DS2 [filter M1 > 0 ] which selects from Data Set DS2 only the Data Points having values greater than zero for measure M1 and returns such values in the result Data Set.)

Postfix operators are also called “clause operators” or simply “clauses”.

  • Functional, for N-ary operators. The operator is invoked using a functional notation; the general form of invocation is:

Operator(IO1, … , ION ) where IO1, … , ION are the input operands;

For example, the syntax for the exponentiation is power(base, exponent) and a possible invocation to calculate the square of the numeric Data Set D1 is power(D1, 2 ).

The comma (“,”) is the separator between the operands. Parameter binding is fully positional: in the invocation, actual parameters are passed to the Operator in the same positional order as the corresponding formal parameters in the Operator syntax. Parameters can be mandatory or optional: usually the mandatory ones are in the first positions and the optional ones in the last positions. An underscore (“_”) must be used to denote that optional operand is omitted in the invocation; for example, this is a possible invocation of Operator1(P1, P*:sub:2, P3 ), where P2, P3 are optional and P2 is omitted:

Operator1( IO1 , _ , IO3 ).

One or more unspecified operands in the last positions can be simply omitted (including the relevant commas); for example, if both P2, P3 are omitted, the invocation can be simply:

Operator1 ( IO1 ).

  • Functional with keywords (a functional syntax in which some parameters are denoted by special keywords); in this case each operator has its own form of invocation, which is described in the reference manual. For example, a possible invocation of the Join operator is the following:

inner_join ( D1 , D2 using [ Id1 , Id2 ])

In this example, the Data Sets D1 and D2 are joined on their Identifiers Id1 and Id2. The first two parameters do not have keywords, then the keyword “using” is used to specify the list of Components to join (the square brackets denote a list). A keyword can be composed of more words, substitutes the comma separator and identifies the actual parameter of the Operator. The unspecified optional parameters identified by keywords can be simply omitted (including the relevant keywords, i.e., the underscore “_” is not required). The actual syntax of this kind of operators and the relevant keywords are described in detail in the Reference Manual.

The syntax for the invocation of the user-defined operators is functional.

Independently of the kind of their syntax, the behaviour of the VTL operators is always functional, i.e. they behave as high-order mathematical functions, which manipulate one or more input first-order functions (the operand Data Sets) to produce one output first-order function (the result Data Set).

Level of operation

The VTL Operators can operate at various levels:

  • Scalar level, when all the operands and the result are scalar Values

  • Data Set level, when at least one operand is a Data Set

  • Component level, when the operands and the result are Data Set Components

At the scalar level, the Operators compose scalar literals to obtain other scalar Values. The sum, for example, allows summing two scalar numbers and obtaining another scalar number. The behaviour at the scalar level depends on the operator, does not need a general explanation and is described in detail in the Reference Manual. Examples of operations at the scalar level are:

Dr := 3 + 7

3 and 7 are scalar literals of number type

Dr := “abcde” || “fghij”

abcde” and “fghij” are scalar literals of string type

As already mentioned, the outcome of an operation at the scalar level is a Data Set without Components that contains only a scalar Value.

At the Data Set level, the Operators compose Data Sets and possibly scalar literals in order to obtain other Data Sets. As mentioned, the VTL is designed primarily to operate on Data Sets and produce other Data Sets, therefore almost all VTL operators can act on Data Sets, apart some few trivial exceptions (e.g. the parenthesis). The behaviour at the Data Set level deserves a general explanation that is given in the following sections. Examples of operations at the Data Set level are:

Dr := D1 + 7

D1 is a Data Set with numeric Measures, 7 is a scalar number

Dr := D1 + D2

D1 and D2 are Data Sets having Measures of number type

Dr := D3 || “fghij”

D3 is a Data Set with string Measures, “fghij” is a scalar string

Dr := D3 || D4

D3 and D4 are Data Sets having Measures of string type

At the Component level, the Operators compose Data Set Components and possibly scalar literals in order to obtain other Data Set Components. A Component level operation may happen only in the context of a Data Set operation, so that the calculated Component belongs to the calculated Data Set. The behaviour at the Data Set level deserves a general explanation that is given in the following sections. Examples of operations at the Component level are:

Dr := D1 [ calc C3 := C1 + C2 ]

C1 and C2 are numeric Components of C2

Dr := D1 [ calc C3 := C1 + 7 ]

C1 is a numeric Component of D1, 7 is a scalar number

Dr := D3 [ calc C6 := C4 || C5 ]

C4 and C5 are string Components of D3

Dr := D3 [ calc C6 := C4 || “fghij” ]

C4 is a string Component of D3, “fghij” is a scalar string

In these examples, the postfix operator calc is applied to the input Data Sets D1 and D3, takes in input some their components and produces in output the components C3 and C6 respectively, which become part of the result Data Set Dr.

The operations at a component level are performed row by row and in the context of one specific Data Set, so that one input Data point results in no more than one output Data Point.

In these last examples the assignment is used both at the Data Set level (when the outcome of the expression is assigned to the result Data Set) and at the Component level (when the outcome of the operations at the Component level is assigned to the resulting Components). The assignment at Data Set level can be either persistent or non-persistent, while the assignment at the Component level can be only non-persistent, because a Component exists only within a Data Set and cannot be stored on its own.

The Operators’ behaviour

As mentioned, the behaviour of the VTL operators is always functional, i.e., they behave as higher-order mathematical functions, which manipulate one or more input first-order functions (the operands) to produce one output first-order function (the result).

The Join operators

The more general and powerful behaviour is supplied by the Join operators, which operates at Data Set level and allow to compose one or more Data Sets in many possible ways.

In particular, the Join operators allow to:

  • match the Data Points of the input Data Sets by means of various matching options (inner/left/full/cross join) and by specifying the Components to match (“using” clause). For example the sentence:

inner_join D1, D2 using [ reference_date, geo_area ]

matches the Data Points of D*:sub:1, D:sub:`2 which have the same values for the Identifiers *reference_date and geo_area.

  • filter the result of the match according to a condition, for example the sentence

filter D1 # M1 > 0

maintains the matched Data Points for which the Measure M1 of D1 is positive.

  • aggregate according to the values of some Identifier, for example the sentence

group by [ Id1 , Id2 ]

eliminates the Identifiers save than Id1 and Id2 and aggregate the Data Points having the same values for Id1 and Id2

  • combine homonym measures of the matched Data Points according to a formula, for example the sentence

apply D1 + D2

sums the homonymous measures of the matched Data Points of D1 and D2

  • calculate new Components (or new values for existing Components) according to the desired formulas, also assigning or changing the Component role (Identifier, Measure, Attribute), for example:

calc measure M3 := M1 + M2 , attribute A1 := A2 || A3

calculates the measure M3 and the Attribute A1 according to the formulas above

  • keep or drop the specified Measures or Attributes, for example the sentence

keep [M1 , M3, A1 ]

maintains only the specified measures and attributes, instead the sentence

drop [M2 , A2, A3 ]

drops only the specified measures and attributes

  • rename the specified Components, for example:

rename [M1 to M10 , I1 to I10 ]

As shown above, the Join operator, together with the other operators applied at scalar or at Component level, allows to reproduce the behaviour of the other operators at a Data Set level (save than some special operator) and also to achieve many other behaviours which are impossible to achieve otherwise.

Anyway, even if the join would cover most of the VTL manipulation needs, the VTL provides for a number of other Operators that are designed to support the more common manipulation needs in a simpler way, in order to make the use of the VTL simpler in the more recurrent situations. Their features are naturally more limited than the ones of the join and a number of default behaviours are assumed.

The following sections explain the more common default behaviours of the Operators other than the Join.

Other operators: default behaviour on Identifiers, Measures and Attributes

The default behaviour of the operators other than the Join, when they operate at Data Set level, is different for Identifiers, Measures and Attributes.

In fact, unless differently specified, the Operators at Data Set level act only on the Values of the Measures. The Values of Identifiers are usually left unchanged, save for few special operators specifically aimed at manipulating Identifiers (for example the operators which make aggregations, either dropping some Identifiers or according the hierarchical links between the Code Items of an Identifier). The Values of the Attributes, instead, are manipulated by default through specific Attribute propagation rules explained in a following section.

For example, considering the Transformation Dr := ln (D1), the operation is applied for each Data Point of D1, the values of the Identifiers are left unchanged and the values of all the Measures are substituted by their natural logarithm (it is assumed that the Measures of D1 are all numerical).

Similarly, considering the simple operation Dr := D1 + 7, the addition is done for each Data Point of D1, the values of the Identifiers are left unchanged and the number 7 is added to the values of all the Measures (it is assumed that the Measures of D1 are all numerical).

As for the structure, like in the examples above, the Identifiers of the result Data Set Dr are the same as the Identifiers of the input Data Set D1 (save for the special operators specifically aimed at manipulating Identifiers), and by default also the Measures of Dr remain the same as D1 (save for the operator which change the basic scalar type of the operand, this case is described in a following section). The Attribute Components of the result depend instead on the Attribute propagation rule.

In the previous examples, only one Data Set is passed in input to the Operator (other possible operands are not Data Sets). The operations on more Data Sets, like Dr := D1 + D2, behave in the same way than the operations on one Data Set, save that there is the additional need of a preliminary matching of the Identifiers of the Data Points of the input Data Sets: the operation applies on the matched Data Points.

For example, the addition D1 + D2 above happens between each couple of Data Points, one from D1 and the other from D2, whose Identifiers match according to a default rule (which is better explained in a following section). The values of the homonymous Measures of D1 and D2 are added, taken respectively from the D1 and D2 Data Points (the default rule for composing the measure is better explained in a following section).

The Identifier Components and the Data Points matching

This section describes the default Data Points matching rules for the Operators which operate at Data Set level and which do not manipulate the Identifiers (for example, the behaviour of the Operators which make aggregations is not the same, and is described in the Reference Manual).

As shown in the examples above, the actual behaviour depends also on the number of the input Data Sets.

If just one input Data Set is passed to the operator, the operation is applied for each input Data Point and produces a corresponding output Data Point. This case happens for all the unary operators, which have just on input parameter and therefore cannot operate on more than one Data Set (e.g. ln (D1 ) ), and for the invocations of unary operators in which just one Data Set is passed to the operator (e.g. D1 + 7 ).

If more input Data Sets are passed to the operator (e.g. D1 + D2 ), a preliminary match between the Data Points of the various input Data Sets is needed, in order to compose their measures (e.g. summing them) and obtain the Data Points of the result (i.e. Dr). The default matching rules envisage that the Data Points are matched when the values of their homonymous Identifiers are the same.

For example, let us assume that D1 and D2 contain the population and the gross product of the United States and the European Union respectively and that they have the same Structure Components, namely the Reference Date and the Measure Name as Identifier Components, and the Measure Value as Measure Component:

D1 = United States Data








Gross Prod.






Gross Prod.


D2 = European Union Data








Gross Prod.






Gross Prod.


The desired result of the sum is the following:

Dr = United States + European Union








Gross Prod.






Gross Prod.


In this operation, the Data Points having the same values for the Identifier Components are matched, then their Measure Components are combined according to the semantics of the specific Operator (in the example the values are summed).

The example above shows what happens under a strict constraint: when the input Data Sets have exactly the same Identifier Components. The result will also have the same Identifier Components as the operands.

However, various Data Set operations are possible also under a more relaxed constraint, that is when the Identifier Components of one Data Set are a superset of those of the other Data Set [33].

For example, let us assume that D1 contains the population of the European countries (by reference date and country) and D2 contains the population of the whole Europe (by reference date):

D1 = European Countries
















D2 = Europe







In order to calculate the percentage of the population of each single country on the total of Europe, the Transformation will be:

Dr := D1 / D2 * 100

The Data Points will be matched according to the Identifier Components common to D1 and D2 (in this case only the Ref.Date), then the operation will take place.

The result Data Set will have the Identifier Components of both the operands:

Dr = European Countries / Europe * 100
















When the relaxed constraint is applied, therefore, the Data Points are matched when the values of their common Identifiers are the same.

More formally, let F be a generic n-ary VTL Data Set Operator, Dr the result Data Set and Di (i=1,… n) the input Data Sets, so that:

Dr := F(D1 , D2 , … , Dn )

The “strict” constraint requires that the Identifier Components of the Di (i=1,… n) are the same. The result Dr will also have the same Identifier components.

The “relaxed” constraint requires that at least one input Data Set Dk exists such that for each Di (i=1,… n) the Identifier Components of Di are a (possibly improper) subset of those of Dk. The output Data Set Dr will have the same Identifier Components than Dk.

The n-ary Operator F will produce the Data Points of the result by matching the Data Points of the operands that share the same values for the common Identifier Components and by operating on the values of their Measure Components according to its semantics.

The actual constraint for each operator is specified in the Reference Manual.

Naturally, it is possible that not all the Data Sets contain the same combinations of values of the Identifiers to be matched. In the cases the match does not happen, the operation is not performed and no output Data Point is produced. In other words, the measures corresponding to of the missing combinations of Values of the Identifiers are assumed to be unknown and to have the value NULL, therefore the result of the operation is NULL as well and the output Data Point is not produced.

This default matching behaviour is the same as the one of the inner join Operator, which therefore is able to perform the same operation. The join operation equivalent to D1 + D2 is:

inner_join ( D1 , D2 apply D1 + D2 )

Different matching behaviours can be obtained using the other join Operators, for example writing:

full_join ( D1 , D2 apply D1 + D2 )

the full join brings in the output also the combination of Values of the Identifiers which are only in one Data Set, the operation is applied considering the missing value of the Measure as the neutral element of the operation to be done (e.g. 0 for the sum, 1 for the product, empty string for the string concatenation …) and the output Data Point is produced.

The operations on the Measure Components

This section describes the default composition of the Measure Components for the Operators which operate at Data Set level and which do not change the basic scalar type of the input Measure (for example, the behaviour of the Operators which convert one type in another, say for example a number in a string, is not the same and is described in a following section).

As shown in the examples below, the actual behaviour depends also on the number of the input Data Sets and the number of their Measures.

An Operator applied to one mono-measure Data Set is intended to be applied to the only Measure of the input Data Set. The result Data Set will have the same Measure Component, whose values are the result of the operation.

For example, let us assume that D1 contains the salary of the employees (the only Identifier is the Employee ID and the only Measure is the Salary):

D1 = Salary of Employees

Employee ID










The Transformation Dr := Dr * 1.10 applies to the only Measure (the salary) and calculates a new value increased by 10%, so the result will be:

Dr = Increased Salary of Employees

Employee ID










In case of Operators applied to one multi-measure Data Set, by default the operation is performed on all its Measures. The result Data Set will have the same Measure Components as the operand Data Set.

For example, given the import, export, and number of operations by reference date:

D1 = Import, Export, Operations

















The Transformation Dr := D1 * 0.80 applies to all the Measures (e.g. to the Import, the Export and the Balance) and calculates their 80%:

Dr = 80% of Import & Export

















An Operator can be applied only on Measures of a certain basic data type, corresponding to its semantics [34]. For example, the multiplication requires the Measures to be of type number, while the substring will require them to be string. Expressions that violate this constraint are considered an error.

In general, all the Measures of the Operand Data Set must be compatible with the allowed data types of the Operator, otherwise (i.e. if at least one Measure is incompatible) the operation is not allowed. The possible input data types of each operator are specified in the Reference Manual.

Therefore, the operation of the previous example (Dr := D1 * 0.80), which is assumed to act on all the Measures of D1, would not be allowed and would return an error if D1 would contain also a Measure which is not number (e.g. string).

In case of inputs having Measures of different types, the operation can be done either using the join operators, which allows to calculate each measure with a different formula (see the calc operator) or, in two steps, first keeping only the Measures of the desired type and then applying the desired compliant operator; the explanation, as explained in the following cases.

If there is the need to apply an Operator only to one specific Measure, the membership (#) operator can be used, which allows keeping just one specific Components of a Data Set. The syntax is: dataset_name#component_name (for a better description see the corresponding section in the Part 2).

For example, in the Transformation Dr := D1#Import * 0.80

the operation keeps only the Import and then calculates its 80%):

Dr = 80% of the Import









If there is the need to apply an Operator only to some specific Measures, the keep operator (or the drop) [35] can be used, which allows keeping in the result (or dropping) the specified Measures (or also Attributes) of the input Data Set. Their invocations are:

dataset_name [keep component_name , component_name …]

dataset_name [drop component_name, component_name … ]

For example, in the Transformation Dr := D1 [keep Import, Export] * 0.80

the operation keeps only the Import and the Export and then calculates its 80%):

Dr = 80% of the Import













If there is the need to perform some operations on some specific Measures and keep the others measures unchanged, the calc operator can be used, which allows to calculate each Measure with a dedicated formula leaving the other Measures as they are. A simple kind of invocation is [36]:

dataset_name [ calc component_name ::= cmp_expr, component_name ::= cmp_expr …]

The component expressions (cmp_expr) can reference only other components of the input Data Set.

For example, in the Transformation Dr := D1 [calc Import * 0.80, Export * 0.50]

the operations apply only to Import and Export (and calculate their 80% and 50% respectively), while the Operations values remain unchanged:

Dr = 80% of the Import, 50% of the Export and Operations

















In case of Operators applied on more Data Sets, by default the operation is performed between the Measures having the same names (in other words, on the same Measures). To avoid ambiguities and possible errors, the input Data Sets must have the same Measures and the result Data Set is assumed to have the same Measures too.

For example, let us assume that D1 and D2 contain the births and the deaths of the United States and the European Union respectively.

D1 = Births & Deaths of the United States













D2 = Birth & Deaths of the European Union













The Transformation Dr := D1 + D2 will produce:

Dr = Births & Deaths of United States + European Union













The Births of the first Data Set will be summed with the Births of the second to calculate the Births of the result (and the same for the Deaths).

If there is the need to apply an Operator on Measures having different names, the “rename” operator can be used to make their names equal (for a complete description of the operator see the corresponding section in the Part 2).

For example, given these two Data Sets:

D1 (Residents in the United States)









D2 (Inhabitants of the European Union)









A Transformation for calculating the population of United States + European Union is:

Dr := D2 [rename Residents to Population] + D2 [rename Inhabitants to Population]

The result will be:

Dr (Population of United States + European Union)









Note again that the number and the names of the Measure Components of the input Data Sets are assumed to match (following their possible renaming), otherwise the invocation of the Operator is considered an error.

To avoid a potentially excessive renaming, and only when just one component is explicitly specified for each dataset by using the membership notation, the VTL allows the operation even if the names are different. For instance, this operation is allowed:

Dr := D1 #Residents + D2 #Inhabitants

The result Data Set would have a single Measure named like the Measure of the leftmost operand (i.e. Residents), which in turn can be renamed, if convenient:

Dr := (D1 #Residents + D2 #Inhabitants)[rename Residents to Population]

The following options and prescription, already described for the operations on just one multi-measure Data Sets, are valid also for operations on two (or more) multi-measure Data Sets and are repeated here for convenience:

  • If there is the need to apply an Operator only to specific Measures, it is possible first to apply the membership, keep or drop operators to the input Data Sets in order to maintain only the needed Measures, like explained above for the case of a single input Data Set, and then the desired operation can be performed.

  • If there is the need to apply some Operators to some specific Measures and keep the other ones unchanged, one of the join operators can be used (the choice depends on the desired matching method). The join operations, in fact, provides also for a calc option which can be invoked and behaves exactly like the calc operator explained above.

  • Even in the case of operations on more than one Data Set, all the Measures of the input Data Sets must be compatible with the allowed data types of the Operator [37], otherwise (i.e. even if only one Measure is incompatible) the operation is not allowed.

In conclusion, the operation is allowed if the input Data Sets have the same Measures and these are all compliant with the input data type of the parameter that the Data Sets are passed for.

Operators which change the basic scalar type

Some operators change the basic data type of the input Measure (e.g. from number to string, from string to date, from number to boolean …). Some examples are the cast operator that converts the data types, the various comparison operators whose output is always boolean, the length operator which returns the length of a string.

When the basic data type changes, also the Measure must change, because a Variable (in this case used with the role of Measure in a Data Structure) has just one type, which is the same wherever the Variable is used [38].

Therefore, when an operator that changes the basic scalar type is applied, the output Measure cannot be the same as the input Measure. In these cases, the VTL systems must provide for a default Measure Variable for each basic data type to be assigned to the output Data Set, which in turn can be changed (renamed) by the user if convenient.

The VTL does not prescribe any predefined name or representation for the default Measure Variable of the various scalar types, leaving different organisations free to using they preferred or already existing ones. Therefore, the definition of the default Measure Variables corresponding to the VTL basic scalar types is left to the VTL implementations.

In the VTL manuals, just for explanatory purposes, the following default Measures will be used:


title Basic scalar types with default measure variables

    * Scalar
    ** <i>String</i> (string_var)
    ** <i>Number</i> (num_var)
    *** <i>Integer</i> (int_var)
    ** <i>Time</i> (time_var)
    *** <i>Date</i> (date_var)
    *** <i>Time-period</i> (period_var)
    ** <i>Boolean</i> (bool_var)


In some cases, in the examples of the Manuals, the default Boolean variable is also called “condition”.

When the operators that change the basic data type of the input Measure are applied directly at Data Set level, the VTL do not allow performing multi-Measure operation. In other words, the input Data Set cannot have more than one Measure. In case it has more Measures, a single Measure must be selected, for example by means of the membership operator (e.g. dataset_name#measure_name).

The multi-measure operations remain obviously possible when the operators that change the basic data type of the input Measure are applied at Component Level, for example by using the calc operator.

For example, taking again the example of import, export and number of operations by reference date:

D1 = Import_Export_Operations

















And assuming that the conversion from number to string of all the Measure Variables is desired, the following statement expressed at Data Set level cast (D1 , string) is not allowed because the Data Set D1 is multi-measure, while the following one, which makes the conversion at the Component level, is allowed:

D1 [ calc
import_string := cast (import, string)
, export_string := cast (export, string)
, operations_string := cast ( operations, string )

For completeness, it is worth to say that also the various Join operators allow the same operation that, for example for the inner join, would be written as:

inner_join ( D1 calc
import_string := cast (import, string)
, export_string := cast (export, string)
, operations_string := cast ( operations, string )

The join operators is designed primarily to act on many Data Sets and allow applying these operations also when more Data Sets are joined.

Boolean operators

The Boolean operators (And, Or, Not …) take in input boolean Measures and return booolean Measures. The VTL Boolean operators behave like the operators that change the basic scalar type: if applied at the Data Set level they are allowed only on mono-measure Data Sets, if applied at the Component level they are allowed on mono and multi-measure Data Sets.

Set operators

The Set operators (union, intersection …) apply the classical set operations (union, intersection, difference, symmetric differences) to the input Data Sets, considering them as mathematical functions (sets of Data Points).

These operations are possible only if the Data Sets to be operated have the same data structure, i.e. the same Identifiers, Measures and Attributes.

For these operators the rules for the Attribute propagation are not applied and the Attributes are managed like the Measures.

The Data Points common (or not common) to the input Data Sets are determined by taking into account only the values of the Identifiers: the common Data Points are the ones, which have the same values for all the Identifiers.

If for a common Data Point one or more dependent variables (Measures and Attributes) have different values in different Data Sets, the Data Point of the leftmost Data Set are returned in the result.

Behaviour for Missing Data

The awareness of missing data is very important for correct VTL operations, because the knowledge of the Data Points of the result depends on the knowledge of the Data Points of the operands. For example, assume Dr := D1 + D2 and suppose that some Data Points of D2 are unknown, it follows that the corresponding Data Points of Dr cannot be calculated and are unknown too.

Missing data are explicitly represented when some Measures or Attributes of a Data Point have the value “NULL”, which denotes the absence of a true value (the “NULL” value is not allowed for the Identifier Components, in order to ensure that the Data Points are always identifiable).

Missing data may also show as the absence of some expected Data Point in the Data Set. For example, given a Data Set containing the reports to an international organization relevant to different countries and different dates, and having as Identifier Components the Country and the Reference Date, this Data Set may lack the Data Points relevant to some dates (for example the future dates) or some countries (for example the countries that didn’t send their data) or some combination of dates and countries.

The absence of Data Points, however, does not necessarily denote that the phenomenon under measure is unknown. In some cases, in fact, it means that a certain phenomenon did not happen.

The handling of missing Data Points in VTL operations can be handled in several ways. One way is to require all participating Data Points used in a computation to be present and known; this is the correct approach if the absence of a Data Point means that the phenomenon is unknown and corresponds with the matching method of the inner join operator. Another way is to allow some, but not all, Data Points to be absent, when the absence does not mean that the phenomenon is unknown; this corresponds to the behaviour of the left and full join Operator.

On the basic level, most of the scalar operations (arithmetic, logical, and others) return NULL when any of their arguments is NULL.

The general properties of the NULL are the following ones:

  • Data type. The NULL value is the only value of multiple different types (i.e., all the nullable scalar types).

  • Testing. A built-in Boolean operator is null can be used to test if a scalar value is NULL.

  • Comparisons. Whenever a NULL value is involved in a comparison (>, <, >=, <=, in, not in, between) the result of the comparison is NULL.

  • Arithmetic operations. Whenever a NULL value is involved in a mathematical operation (+, -, *, /, …), the result is NULL.

  • String operations. In operations on Strings, NULL is considered an empty String (“”).

  • Boolean operations. VTL adopts 3VL (three-valued logic). Therefore the following deduction rules are applied:





  • Conditional operations. The NULL is considered equivalent to FALSE; for example in the control structures of the type (if (p) -then -else), the action specified in –then is executed if the predicate p is TRUE, while the action -else is executed if the p is FALSE or NULL.

  • Filter clauses. The NULL is considered equivalent to FALSE; for example in the filter clause [filter p], the Data Points for which the predicate p is TRUE are selected and returned in the output, while the Data Points for which p is FALSE or NULL are discarded.

  • Aggregations. The aggregations (like sum, avg and so on) return one Data Point in correspondence to a set of Data Points of the input. In these operations, the input Data Points having a NULL value are in general not considered. In the average, for example, they are not considered both in the numerator (the sum) and in the denominator (the count). Specific cases for specific operators are described in the respective sections.

  • Implicit zero. Arithmetic operators assuming implicit zeros (+,-,*,/) may generate NULL values for the Identifier Components in particular cases (superset-subset relation between the set of the involved Identifier Components). Because NULL values are in general forbidden in the Identifiers, the final outcome of an expression must not contain Identifiers having NULL values. As a momentary exception needed to allow some kinds of calculations, Identifiers having NULL values are accepted in the partial results. To avoid runtime error, possible NULL values of the Identifiers have to be fully eliminated in the final outcome of the expression (through a selection, or other operators), so that the operation of “assignment” (:=) does not encounter them.

If a different behaviour is desired for NULL values, it is possible to override them. This can be achieved with the combination of the calc clauses and is null operators.

For example, suppose that in a specific case the NULL values of the Measure Component M1 of the Data Set D1 have to be considered equivalent to the number 1, the following Transformation can be used to multiply the Data Sets D1 and D2, preliminarily converting NULL values of D1.M1 into the number 1. For detailed explanations of calc and is null refer to the specific sections in the Reference Manual.

Dr := D1 [M1 := if M1 is null then 1 else M1] * D2

Behaviour for Attribute Components

Given an invocation of one Operator F, which can be written as Dr := F(D1 , D2 , … , Dn ), and considering that the input Data Sets Di (i=1,… n) may have any number of Attribute Components, there can be the need of calculating the desired Attribute Components of Dr. This Section describes the general VTL assumptions about how Attributes are handled (the specific behaviours of the various operators are described in the Reference Manual).

It should be noted that the Attribute Components of a Data Set are dependent variables of the corresponding mathematical function, just like the Measures. In fact, the difference between Attribute and Measure Components lies only in their meaning: it is implicitly intended that the Measures give information about the real world and the Attributes about the Data Set itself (or some part of it, for example about one of its measures), however the real uses of the Attribute Components are very heterogeneous.

The VTL has different default behaviours for Attributes and for Measures, to comply as much as possible with the relevant manipulation needs.

At the Data Set level, the VTL Operators manipulate by default only the Measures and not the Attributes.

At the Component level, instead, Attributes are calculated like Measures, therefore the algorithms for calculating Attributes, if any, can be specified explicitly in the invocation of the Operators. This is the behaviour of clauses like calc, keep, drop, rename, and so on, either inside or outside the join (see the detailed description of these operators in the Reference Manual).

The Attribute propagation rule

The users that want also to automatize the propagation of the Attributes’ Values when no operation is explicitly defined can optionally enforce a mechanism, called Attribute Propagation rule, whose behaviour is explained here. The adoption of this mechanism is optional, users are free to allow the attribute propagation rule or not. The users that do not want to allow Attribute propagation rules simply will not implement what follows.

The Attribute propagation rule is made of two main components, namely the “virality” and the “default propagation algorithm”.

The “virality” is a characteristic to be assigned to the Attributes Components which determines if the Attribute is propagated automatically in the result or not: a “viral” Attribute is propagated while a “non-viral” Attribute is not (being a default behaviour, the virality is applied when no explicit indication about the keeping of the Attribute is provided in the expression). If the virality is not defined, the Attribute is considered as non-viral.

The virality is also assigned to the Attribute propagated in the result Data Set. By default, a viral Attribute in the input generates a homonymous viral Attribute also in the result. Vice- versa, by default a non-viral Attribute in the input generates a non-viral Attribute also in the result (this happens when the Attribute in the result is calculated through an explicitly expression but without specifying explicitly its virality). The default assignation of the virality can be overridden by operations at Component level as mentioned above, for example keep (i.e., to keep a non-viral Attribute or not to keep a viral one) and calc to alter the virality in the result Data Set, (from viral to non-viral or vice-versa) [39].

Hence, the default Attribute propagation rule behaves as follows:

  • the non-viral Attributes are not kept in the result and their values are not considered;

  • the viral Attributes of the operand are kept and are considered viral also in the result; in other words, if an operand has a viral Attribute V, the result will have V as viral Attribute too;

  • the Attributes, like the Measures, are combined according to their names, e.g. the Attributes having the same names in multiple Operands are combined, while the Attributes having different names are considered as different Attributes;

  • whenever in the application of a VTL operator the input Data Points are not combined as for their Measures (i.e., one input Data Point can result in no more than one output Data Point), the values of the viral Attributes are simply copied from the input Data Point to the (possible) output Data Point (obviously, this applies always in the case of unary Operators which do not make aggregations);

  • Whenever in the application of a VTL operator two or more Data Points (belonging to the same or different Data Sets) are combined as for their Measures to give one output Data Point, the default propagation algorithm associated to the viral Attribute is applied, producing the Attribute value of the output Data Point. This happens for example for the unary Operators which aggregate Data Points and for Operators which combine the Data Points of more input Data Sets; in the latter case, the Attributes having the same names in such Data Sets are combined.

Extending an example already given for unary Operators, let us assume that D1 contains the salary of the employees of a multinational enterprise (the only Identifier is the Employee ID, the only Measure is the Salary, and there are two other Components defined as viral Attributes, namely the Currency and the Scale of the Salary):

D1 = Salary of Employees

Employee ID






U.S. $











U.K. Pound


The Transformation Dr := D1 * 1.10 applies only to the Measure (the salary) and calculates a new value increased by 10%, the viral Attributes are kept and left unchanged, so the result will be:

Dr = Increased Salary of Employees

Employee ID






U.S. $











U.K. Pound


The Currency and the Scale of Dr will be considered viral too and therefore would be kept also in case Dr becomes operand of other Transformations.

Another example can be given for operations involving more input Data Sets (e.g. Dr := D1 + D2). Let us assume that D1 and D2 contain the births and the deaths of the United States and the Europe respectively, plus a viral Attribute that qualifies if the Value is estimated or not (having values True or False).

D1 = Births & Deaths of the United States

















D2 = Births & Deaths of the European Union

















Suppose that the default propagation algorithm associated to the “Estimate” variable works as follows:

  • each value of the Attribute is associated to a default weight;

  • the result of the combination is the value having the highest weight;

  • if multiple values have the same weight, the result of the combination is the first in lexicographical order.

Assuming the weights 1 for “false” and 2 for “true”, the Transformation Dr := D1 + D2 will produce:

Dr = Births & Deaths of United States + European Union

















Note also that:

  • if the attribute Estimate was non-viral in both the input Data Sets, it would not be kept in the result

  • if the attribute Estimate was viral only in one Data Set, it would be kept in the result with the same values as in the viral Data Set

In an expression, the default propagation of the Attributes is performed always in the same order of execution of the Operators of the expression, which is determined by their precedence and associativity rules, as already explained in the relevant section.

For example, recalling the example already given example:

Dr := D1 + D2 / (D3 – D4 / D5 )

The evaluation of the Attributes will follow the order of composition of the Measures:

I. A(D4 / D5 ) (default precedence order)
II. A(D3 - I) (explicitly defined order)
III. A(D2 / II) (default precedence order)
IV. A(D1 + III) (default precedence order)

Properties of the Attribute propagation algorithm

An Attribute default propagation algorithm is a user-defined operator that has a group of Values of an Attribute as operands and returns just one Value for the same Attribute.

An Attribute default propagation algorithm (here called A) must ensure the following properties (in respect to the application of a generic Data Set operator “§” which applies on the measures):

Commutative law (1)

A(D1 § D2 ) = A(D2 § D1 )

The application of A produces the same result (in term of Attributes) independently of the ordering of the operands. For example, A(D1 + D2 ) = A(D2 + D1 ). This may seem quite intuitive for “sum”, but it is important to point out that it holds for every operator, also for non-commutative operations like difference, division, logarithm and so on; for example A(D1 / D2 ) = A(D2 / D1 )

Associative law (2)

A(D1 § A(D2 § D3 )) = A(A(D1 § D2 ) § D3 )

Within one operator, the result of A (in term of Attributes) is independent of the sequence of processing.

Reflexive law (3)

A( §(D1 )) = A(D1 )

The application of A to an Operator having a single operand gives the same result (in term of Attributes) that its direct application to the operand (in fact the propagation rule keeps the viral attributes unchanged).

Having these properties in place, it is always possible to avoid ambiguities and circular dependencies in the determination of the Attributes’ values of the result. Moreover, it is sufficient without loss of generality to consider only the case of binary operators (i.e. having two Data Sets as operands), as more complex cases can be easily inferred by applying the VTL Attribute propagation rule recursively (following the order of execution of the operations in the VTL expression).