define datapoint ruleset


The Data Point Ruleset contains Rules to be applied to each individual Data Point of a Data Set for validation purposes. These rulesets are also called “horizontal” taking into account the tabular representation of a Data Set (considered as a mathematical function), in which each (vertical) column represents a variable and each (horizontal) row represents a Data Point: these rulesets are applied on individual Data Points (rows), i.e., horizontally on the tabular representation.


define datapoint ruleset rulesetName ( dpRulesetSignature ) is dpRule { ; dpRule }* end datapoint ruleset

dpRulesetSignature ::= valuedomain listValueDomains | variable listVariables

listValueDomains ::= valueDomain { as vdAlias } { , valueDomain { as vdAlias } }*

listVariables ::= variable { as varAlias } { , variable { as varAlias } }*

dpRule ::= { ruleName : } { when antecedentCondition then } consequentCondition | { errorcode errorCode } | { errorlevel errorLevel }

Syntax description


the name of the Data Point Ruleset to be defined.


the Cartesian space of the Ruleset (signature of the Ruleset), which specifies either the Value Domains or the Represented Variables (see the information model) on which the Ruleset is defined. If valuedomain is specified then the Ruleset is applicable to the Data Sets having Components that take values on the specified Value Domains. If variable is specified then the Ruleset is applicable to Data Sets having the specified Variables as Components.


a Value Domain on which the Ruleset is defined.


an (optional) alias assigned to a Value Domain and valid only within the Ruleset, this can be used for the sake of compactness in writing the Rules. If an alias is not specified then the name of the Value Domain (parameter valueDomain) is used in the body of the rules.


a Represented Variable on which the Ruleset is defined.


an (optional) alias assigned to a Variable and valid only within the Ruleset, this can be used for the sake of compactness in writing the Rules. If an alias is not specified then the name of the Variable (parameter valueDomain) is used in the body of the Rules.


a Data Point Rule, as defined in the following parameters.


the name assigned to the specific Rule within the Ruleset. If the Ruleset is used for validation then the ruleName identifies the validation results of the various Rules of the Ruleset. The ruleName is optional and, if not specified, is assumed to be the progressive order number of the Rule in the Ruleset. However please note that, if ruleName is omitted, then the Rule names can change in case the Ruleset is modified, e.g., if new Rules are added or existing Rules are deleted, and therefore the users that interpret the validation results must be aware of these changes.


a boolean expression to be evaluated for each single Data Point of the input Data Set. It can contain Values of the Value Domains or Variables specified in the Ruleset signature and constants; all the VTL-ML component level operators are allowed. If omitted then antecedentCondition is assumed to be TRUE.


a boolean expression to be evaluated for each single Data Point of the input Data Set when the antecedentCondition evaluates to TRUE (as mentioned, missing antecedent conditions are assumed to be TRUE). It contains Values of the Value Domains or Variables specified in the Ruleset signature and constants; all the VTL-ML component level operators are allowed. A consequent condition equal to FALSE is considered as a non-valid result.


a literal denoting the error code associated to the rule, to be assigned to the possible non-valid results in case the Rule is used for validation. If omitted then no error code is assigned (NULL value). VTL assumes that a Value Domain errorcode_vd of error codes exists in the Information Model and contains all possible error codes: the errorCode literal must be one of the possible Values of such a Value Domain. VTL assumes also that a Variable errorcode for describing the error codes exists in the IM and is a dependent variable of the Data Sets which contain the results of the validation.


a literal denoting the error level (severity) associated to the rule, to be assigned to the possible non-valid results in case the Rule is used for validation. If omitted then no error level is assigned (NULL value). VTL assumes that a Value Domain errorlevel_vd of error levels exists in the Information Model and contains all possible error levels: the errorLevel literal must be one of the possible Values of such a Value Domain. VTL assumes also that a Variable errorlevel for describing the error levels exists in the IM and is a dependent variable of the Data Sets which contain the results of the validation.



name <ruleset >


name < valuedomain >


















  • antecedentCondition and consequentCondition can refer only to the Value Domains or Variables specified in the dpRulesetSignature.

  • Either ruleName is specified for all the Rules of the Ruleset or for none.

  • If specified, then ruleName must be unique within the Ruleset.

Semantic specification

This operator defines a persistent Data Point Ruleset named rulesetName that can be used for validation purposes.

A Data Point Ruleset is a persistent object that contains Rules to be applied to the Data Points of a Data Set [1]. The Data Point Rulesets can be invoked by the check_datapoint operator. The Rules are aimed at checking the combinations of values of the Data Set Components, assessing if these values fulfil the logical conditions expressed by the Rules themselves. The Rules are evaluated independently for each Data Point, returning a Boolean scalar value (i.e., TRUE for valid results and FALSE for non-valid results).

Each Rule contains an (optional) antecedentCondition boolean expression followed by a consequentCondition boolean expression and expresses a logical implication. Each Rule states that when the antecedentCondition evaluates to TRUE for a given Data Point, then the consequentCondition is expected to be TRUE as well. If this implication is fulfilled, the result is considered as valid (TRUE), otherwise as non-valid (FALSE). On the other side, if the antecedentCondition evaluates to FALSE, the consequentCondition does not applies and is not evaluated at all, and the result is considered as valid (TRUE). In case the antecedentCondition is absent then it is assumed to be always TRUE, therefore the consequentCondition is expected to evaluate to TRUE for all the Data Points. See an example below:



On Value Domains:

when flow_type = “CREDIT” or flow_type = “DEBIT” then numeric_value >= 0

When the Component of the Data Set which is defined on the Value Domain named flow_type takes the value “CREDIT” or the value “DEBIT”, then the other Component defined on the Value Domain named numeric_value is expected to have a zero or positive value.

On Variables:

when flow = “CREDIT” or flow = “DEBIT” then obs_value >= 0

When the Component of the Data Set named flow has the value “CREDIT” or “DEBIT” then the Component named obs_value is expected to have a value greater than zero.

The definition of a Ruleset comprises a signature (dpRulesetSignature), which specifies the Value Domains or Variables on which the Ruleset is defined and a set of Rules, that are the Boolean expressions to be applied to each Data Point. The antecedentCondition and consequentCondition of the Rules can refer only to the Value Domains or Variables of the Ruleset signature.

The Value Domains or the Variables of the Ruleset signature identify the space in which the rules are defined while each Rule provides for a criterion that demarcates the Set of valid combinations of Values inside this space.

The Data Point Rulesets can be defined in terms of Value Domains in order to maximize their reusability, in fact this way a Ruleset can be applied on any Data Set which has Components which take values on the Value Domains of the Ruleset signature. The association between the Components of the Data Set and the Value Domains of the Ruleset signature is provided by the check_datapoint operator at the invocation of the Ruleset.

When the Ruleset is defined on Variables, their reusability is intentionally limited to the Data Sets which contains such Variables (and not to other possible Variables which take values from the same Value Domain). If at a later stage the Ruleset would need to be applied also to other Variables defined on the same Value Domain, a similar Ruleset should be defined also for the other Variable.

Rules are uniquely identified by ruleName. If omitted then ruleName is implicitly assumed to be the progressive order number of the Rule in the Ruleset. Please note however that, using this default mechanism, the Rule Name can change if the Ruleset is modified, e.g., if new Rules are added or existing Rules are deleted, and therefore the users that interpret the validation results must be aware of these changes. In addition, if the results of more than one Ruleset have to be combined in one Data Set, then the user should make the relevant rulesetNames different.

As said, each Rule is applied in a row-wise fashion to each individual Data Point of a Data Set. The references to the Value Domains defined in the antecedentCondition and consequentCondition are replaced with the values of the respective Components of the Data Point under evaluation.


define datapoint ruleset DPR_1 ( valuedomain flow_type A, numeric_value B ) is
   when A = “CREDIT” or A = “DEBIT” then B >= 0 errorcode “Bad value” errorlevel 10
end datapoint ruleset;
define datapoint ruleset DPR_2 ( variable flow F, obs_value O) is
  when F = “CREDIT” or F = “DEBIT” then O >= 0 errorcode “Bad value”
 end datapoint ruleset;