VTL-ML - Typical behaviours of the ML Operators

In this section, the common behaviours of some class of VTL-ML operators are described, both for a better understanding of the characteristics of such classes and to factor out and not repeat the explanation for each operator of the class.

Typical behaviour of most ML Operators

Unless differently specified in the Operator description, the Operators can be applied to Scalar Values, to Data Sets and to Data Set Components.

The operations on Scalar Values are primitive and are part of the core of the language. The other kind of operations can be typically be obtained by means of the scalar operations in conjunction with the Join operator, which is part of the core too.

In the operations on Data Set, the Operators are meant to be applied by default only to the values of the Measures of the input Data Sets, leaving the Identifiers unchanged. The Attributes follow by default their specific propagation rules, which are described in the User Manual.

In the operations on Components, the Operators are meant to be applied on the specified components of one input Data Set, in order to calculate a new component which becomes part of the resulting Data Set. In this case, the Attributes can be operated like the Measures.

Operators applicable on one Scalar Value or Data Set or Data Set Component

Operations on Scalar values

The operator is applied on a scalar value and returns a scalar value.

Operations on Data Sets

The operator is applied on a Data Set and returns a Data Set.

For example, using a functional style and denoting the operator with f ( … ), this can written as:

DS_r := f ( DS_1 )

The same operation, using an infix style and denoting the operator as op, can be also written as

DS_r := op DS_1

This means that the operator is applied to the values of all the Measures of DS_1 in order to produce homonymous Measures in DS_r.

The application of the operator is allowed only if all the Measures of the operand Data Set are of a data type compatible with the operator (for example, a numeric operator is applicable only if all the Measures of the operand Data Sets are numeric). If the Measures of the operand Data Set are of different types, not all compatible with the operator to be applied, the membership or the keep clauses can be used to select only the proper Measures. No applicability constraints exist on Identifiers and Attributes, which can be any.

As for the data content, for each Data Point (DP_1) of the operand Data Set, a result Data Point (DP_r) is returned, having for the Identifiers the same values as DP_1.

For each Data Point DP_1 and for each Measure, the operator is applied on the Measure value of DP_1 and returns the corresponding Measure value of DP_r.

For each Data Point DP_1 and for each viral Attribute, the value of the Attribute propagates unchanged in DP_r.

As for the data structure, the result Data Set (DS_r) has the Identifiers and the Measures of the operand Data Set (DS_1), and has the Attributes resulting from the application of the attribute propagation rules on the Attributes of the operand Data Set (DS_r maintains the Attributes declared as “viral” in DS_1; these Attributes are considered as “viral” also in DS_r, the “non-viral” Attributes of DS_1 are not kept in DS_r).

Operations on Data Set Components

The operator is applied on a Component (COMP_1) of a Data Set (DS_1) and returns another Component (COMP_r) which alters the structure of DS_1 in order to produce the result Data Set (DS_r).

For example, using a functional style and denoting the operator with f ( … ), this can be written as:

DS_r := DS_1 [ calc COMP_r := f ( COMP_1) ]

The same operation, using an infix style and denoting the operator as op, can be written as:

DS_r := DS_1 [ calc COMP_r := op COMP_1 ]

This means that the operator is applied on COMP_1 in order to calculate COMP_r.

  • If COMP_r is a new Component which originally did not exist in DS_1, it is added to the original Components of DS_1, by default as a Measure (unless otherwise specified), in order to produce DS_r.

  • If COMP_r is one of the original Measures or Attributes of DS_1, the values obtained from the application of the operator f ( … ) replace the DS_1 original values for such a Measure or Attribute in order to produce DS_r.

  • If COMP_r is one of the original Identifiers of DS_1, the operation is not allowed, because the result can become inconsistent.

In any case, an operation on the Components of a Data Set produces a new Data Set, as in the example above.

The application of the operator is allowed only if the input Component belongs to a data type compatible with the operator (for example, a numeric operator is applicable only on numeric Components). As already said, COMP_r cannot have the same name of an Identifier of DS_1.

As for the data content, for each Data Point DP_1 of DS_1, the operator is applied on the values of COMP_1 so returning the value of COMP_r.

As for the data structure, like for the operations on Data Sets above, the result Data Set (DS_r) has the Identifiers and the Measures of the operand Data Set (DS_1), and has the Attributes resulting from the application of the attribute propagation rules on the Attributes of the operand Data Set (DS_r maintains the Attributes declared as “viral” in DS_1; these Attributes are considered as “viral” also in DS_r, the “non-viral” Attributes of DS_1 are not kept in DS_r). If an Attribute is explicitly calculated, the attribute propagation rule is overridden.

Moreover, in the case of the operations on Data Set Components, the (possible) new Component DS_r can be added to the original structure, the role of a (possible) existing DS_1 Component can be altered, the virality of a (possibly) existing DS_r Attribute can be altered, a (possible) COMP_r non-viral Attribute can be kept in the result. For the alteration of role and virality see also the calc clause.

Operators applicable on two Scalar Values or Data Sets or Data Set Components

Operation on Scalar values

The operator is applied on two Scalar values and returns a Scalar value.

Operation on Data Sets

The operator is applied either on two Data Sets or on one Data Set and one Scalar value and returns a Data Set. The composition of a Data Set and a Component is not allowed (it makes no sense).

For example, using a functional style and denoting the operator with f ( … ), this can be written as:

DS_r := f ( DS_1, DS_2 )

The same kind of operation, using an infix stile and denoting the operator as op, can be also written as

DS_r := DS_1 op DS_2

This means that the operator is applied to the values of all the couples of Measures of DS_1 and DS_2 having the same names in order to produce homonymous Measures in DS_r. DS_1 or DS_2 may be replaced by a Scalar value.

The composition of two Data Sets (DS_1, DS_2) is allowed if the two operand Data Sets have exactly the same Measures and if all these Measures belong to a data type compatible with the operator (for example, a numeric operator is applicable only if all the Measures of the operand Data Sets are numeric). If the Measures of the operand Data Sets are different or of different types not all compatible with the operator to be applied, the membership or the keep clauses can be used to select only the proper Measures. The composition is allowed if these operand Data Sets have the same Identifiers or if one of them has at least all the Identifiers of the other one (in other words, the Identifiers of one of the Data Sets must be a superset of the Identifiers of the other one). No applicability constraints exist on the Attributes, which can be any.

As for the data content, the operand Data Sets (DS_1, DS_2) are joined to find the couples of Data Points (DP_1, DP_2), where DP_1 is from the first operand (DS_1) and DP_2 from the second operand (DS_2), which have the same values as for the common Identifiers. Data Points that are not coupled are left out (the inner join is used). An operand Scalar value is treated as a Data Point that couples with all the Data Points of the other operand. For each couple (DP_1, DP_2) a result Data Point (DP_r) is returned, having for the Identifiers the same values as DP_1 and DP_2.

For each Measure and for each couple (DP_1, DP_2), the Measure values of DP_1 and DP_2 are composed through the operator so returning the Measure value of DP_r. An operand Scalar value is composed with all the Measures of the other operand.

For each couple (DP_1, DP_2) and for each Attribute that propagates in DP_r, the Attribute value is calculated by applying the proper Attribute propagation algorithm on the values of the Attributes of DP_1 and DP_2 .

As for the data structure, the result Data Set (DS_r) has all the Identifiers (with no repetition of common Identifiers) and the Measures of both the operand Data Sets, and has the Attributes resulting from the application of the attribute propagation rules on the Attributes of the operands (DS_r maintains the Attributes declared as “viral” for the operand Data Sets; these Attributes are considered as “viral” also in DS_r, the “non-viral” Attributes of the operand Data Sets are not kept in DS_r).

Operation on Data Set Components

The operator is applied either on two Data Set Components (COMP_1, COMP_2) belonging to the same Data Set (DS_1) or on a Component and a Scalar value, and returns another Component (COMP_r) which alters the structure of DS_1 in order to produce the result Data Set (DS_r). The composition of a Data Set and a Component is not allowed (it makes no sense).

For example, using a functional style and denoting the operator with f ( … ), this can be written as:

DS_r := DS_1 [ calc COMP_r := f ( COMP_1, COMP_2 ) ]

The same operation, using an infix style and denoting the operator as op, can be written as:

DS_r := DS_1 [ calc COMP_r := COMP_1 op COMP_2 ]

This means that the operator is applied on COMP_1 and COMP_2 in order to calculate COMP_r.

  • If COMP_r is a new Component which originally did not exist in DS_1, it is added to the original Components of DS_1, by default as a Measure (unless otherwise specified), in order to produce DS_r.

  • If COMP_r is one of the original Measures or Attributes of DS_1, the values obtained from the application of the operator f ( … ) replace the DS_1 original values for such a Measure or Attribute in order to produce DS_r.

  • If COMP_r is one of the original Identifiers of DS_1, the operation is not allowed, because the result can become inconsistent.

In any case, an operation on the Components of a Data Set produces a new Data Set, like in the example above.

The composition of two Data Set Components is allowed provided that they belong to the same Data Set [3]. Moreover, the input Components must belong to data types compatible with the operator (for example, a numeric operator is applicable only on numeric Components). As already said, COMP_r cannot have the same name of an Identifier of DS_1.

As for the data content, for each Data Point of DS_1, the values of COMP_1 and COMP_2 are composed through the operator so returning the value of COMP_r.

As for the data structure, the result Data Set (DS_r) has the Identifiers and the Measures of the operand Data Set (DS_1), and has the Attributes resulting from the application of the attribute propagation rules on the Attributes of the operand Data Set (DS_r maintains the Attributes declared as “viral” in DS_1; these Attributes are considered as “viral” also in DS_r, the “non-viral” Attributes of DS_1 are not kept in DS_r). If an Attribute is explicitly calculated, the attribute propagation rule is overridden.

Moreover, in the case of the operations on Data Set Components, a (possible) new Component DS_r can be added to the original structure of DS_1, the role of a (possibly) existing DS_1 Component can be altered, the virality of a (possibly) existing DS_r Attributes can be altered, a (possible) COMP_r non-viral Attribute can be kept in the result. For the alteration of role and virality see also the calc clause.

Operators applicable on more than two Scalar Values or Data Set Components

The cases in which an operator can be applied on more than two Data Sets (like the Join operators) are described in the relevant sections.

Operation on Scalar values

The operator is applied on more Scalar values and returns a Scalar value according to its semantics.

Operation on Data Set Components

The operator is applied either on a combination of more than two Data Set Components (COMP_1, COMP_2) belonging to the same Data Set (DS_1) or Scalar values, and returns another Component (COMP_r) which alters the structure of DS_1 in order to produce the result Data Set (DS_r). The composition of a Data Set and a Component is not allowed (it makes no sense).

For example, using a functional style and denoting the operator with f ( … ), this can be written as:

DS_r := DS_1 [ substr COMP_r := f ( COMP_1, COMP_2, COMP_3 ) ]

This means that the operator is applied on COMP_1, COMP_2 and COMP_3 in order to calculate COMP_r.

  • If COMP_r is a new Component which originally did not exist in DS_1, it is added to the original Components of DS_1, by default as a Measure (unless otherwise specified), in order to produce DS_r.

  • If COMP_r is one of the original Measures or Attributes of DS_1, the values obtained from the application of the operator f ( … ) replace the DS_1 original values for such a Measure or Attribute in order to produce DS_r.

  • If COMP_r is one of the original Identifiers of DS_1, the operation is not allowed, because the result can become inconsistent.

In any case, an operation on the Components of a Data Set produces a new Data Set, like in the example above.

The composition of more Data Set Components is allowed provided that they belong to the same Data Set [4]. Moreover, the input Components must belong to data types compatible with the operator (for example, a numeric operator is applicable only on numeric Components). As already said, COMP_r cannot have the same name of an Identifier of DS_1.

As for the data content, for each Data Point of DS_1, the values of COMP_1, COMP_2 and COMP_3 are composed through the operator so returning the value of COMP_r.

As for the data structure, the result Data Set (DS_r) has the Identifiers and the Measures of the operand Data Set (DS_1), and has the Attributes resulting from the application of the attribute propagation rules on the Attributes of the operand Data Set (DS_r maintains the Attributes declared as “viral” in DS_1; these Attributes are considered as “viral” also in DS_r, the “non-viral” Attributes of DS_1 are not kept in DS_r). If an Attribute is explicitly calculated, the attribute propagation rule is overridden.

Moreover, in the case of the operations on Data Set Components, a (possible) new Component DS_r can be added to the original structure of DS_1, the role of a (possibly) existing DS_1 Component can be altered, the virality of a (possibly) existing DS_r Attributes can be altered, a (possible) COMP_r non-viral Attribute can be kept in the result. For the alteration of role and virality see also the calc clause.

Behaviour of Boolean operators

The Boolean operators are allowed only on operand Data Sets that have a single measure of type boolean. As for the other aspects, the behaviour is the same as the operators applicable on one or two Data Sets described above.

Behaviour of Set operators

These operators apply the classical set operations (union, intersection, difference, symmetric differences) to the Data Sets, considering them as sets of Data Points. These operations are possible only if the Data Sets to be operated have the same data structure, and therefore the same Identifiers, Measures and Attributes [5].

Behaviour of Time operators

The time operators are the operators dealing with time, date and time_period basic scalar types. These types are described in the User Manual in the sections “Basic Scalar Types” and “External representations and literals used in the VTL Manuals”.

The time-related formats used for explaining the time operators are the following (they are described also in the User Manual).

For the time values:


Where YYYY are 4 digits for the year, MM two digits for the month, DD two digits for the day. For example:

2000-01-01/2000-12-31 the whole year 2000

2000-01-01/2009-12-31 the first decade of the XXI century

For the date values:


The meaning of the symbols is the same as above. For example:

2000-12-31 the 31st December of the year 2000

2010-01-01 the first of January of the year 2010

For the time_period values:


Where YYYY are 4 digits for the year, P is one character for the period indicator of the regular period (it refers to the duration data type and can assume one of the possible values listed below), NNN are from zero to three digits which contain the progressive number of the period in the year. For annual data the A and the three digits NNN can be omitted. For example:

2000M12 the month of December of the year 2000 (duration: M)

2010Q1 the first quarter of the year 2010 (duration: Q)

2010A the whole year 2010 (duration: A)

2010 the whole year 2010 (duration: A)

For the duration values, which are the possible values of the period indicator of the regular periods above, it is used for simplicity just one character whose possible values are the following:

Code Duration

D Day

W Week

M Month

Q Quarter

S Semester

A Year

As mentioned in the User Manual, these are only examples of possible time-related representations, each VTL system is free of adopting different ones. In fact no predefined representations are prescribed, VTL systems are free to using they preferred or already existing ones.

Several time operators deal with the specific case of Data Sets of time series, having an Identifier component that acts as the reference time and can be of one of the scalar types time, date or time_period; moreover this Identifier must be periodical, i.e. its possible values are regularly spaced and therefore have constant duration (frequency).

It is worthwhile to recall here that, in the case of Data Sets of time series, VTL assumes that the information about which is the Identifier Components that acts as the reference time and which is the period (frequency) of the time series exists and is available in some way in the VTL system. The VTL Operators are aware of which is the reference time and the period (frequency) of the time series and use these information to perform correct operations. VTL also assumes that a Value Domain representing the possible periods (e.g. the period indicator Value Domain shown above) exists and refers to the duration scalar type. For the assumptions above, the users do not need to specify which is the Identifier Component having the role of reference time.

The operators for time series can be applied only on Data Sets of time series and returns a Data Set of time series. The result Data Set has the same Identifier, Measure and Attribute Components as the operand Data Set and contains the same time series as the operand. The Attribute propagation rule is not applied.

Operators changing the data type

These Operators change the Scalar data type of the operands they are applied to (i.e. the type of the result is different from the type of the operand). For example, the length operator is applied to a value of string type and returns a value of integer type. Another example is the cast operator.

Operation on Scalar values

The operator is applied on (one or more) Scalar values and returns one Scalar value of a different data type.

Operation on Data Sets

If an Operator change the data type of the Variable it is applied to (e.g., from string to number), the result Data Set cannot maintain this Variable as it happens in the previous cases, because a Variable cannot have different data types in different Data Sets [6].

As a consequence, the converted variable cannot follow the same rules described in the sections above and must be replaced, in the result Data Set, by another Variable of the proper data type.

For sake of simplicity, the operators changing the data type are allowed only on mono-measure operand Data Sets, so that the conversion happens on just one Measure. A default generic Measure is assigned by default to the result Data Set, depending on the data type of the result (the default Measure Variables are reported in the table below).

Therefore, if the operands are originally multi-measure, just one Measure must be pre-emptively selected (for example through the membership operator) in order to apply the changing-type operator. Moreover, if in the result Data Set a different Measure Variable name is desired than the one assigned by default, it is possible to change the Variable name (see the rename operator).

As for the Identifiers and the Attributes, the behaviour of these operators is the same as the typical behaviour of the unary or binary operators.

Operation on Data Set Components

For the same reasons above, the result Component cannot be the same as one of the operand Components and must be of the appropriate Scalar data type.

Default Names for Variables and Value Domains used in this manual

The following table shows the default Variable names and the relevant default Value Domain. These are only the names used in this manual for explanatory purposes and can be personalised in the implementations. If VTL rules are exchanged, the personalised names need to be shared with the partners of the exchange.

Scalar data type

Default Variable

Default Value Domain

























Type Conversion and Formatting Mask

The conversions between scalar types is provided by the operator cast, described in the section of the general purpose operators. Some particular types of conversion require the specification of a formatting mask, which specifies which format the source or the destination of the conversion should assume. The formatting masks for the various scalar types are explained here.

If needed, the formatting Masks can be personalized in the VTL implementations. If VTL rules are exchanged, the personalised masks need to be shared with the partners of the exchange.

The Numbers Formatting Mask

The number formatting mask can be defined as a combination of characters whose meaning is the following:

  • “D” one numeric digit (for the mantissa of the scientific notation)

  • “E” one numeric digit (for the exponent of the scientific notation)

  • “*” an arbitrary number of digits

  • “+” at least one digit

  • “.” (dot) can be used as a separator between the integer and the decimal parts.

  • “,” (comma) can be used as a separator between the integer and the decimal parts.

Examples of valid masks are:


The Time Formatting Mask

The format of the values of the types time, date and time_period can be specified through specific formatting masks. A mask related to time, date and time_period is formed by a sequence of symbols which denote:

  • the time units that are used, for example years, months, days

  • the format in which they are represented, for example 4 digits for the year (2018), 2 digits for the month within the year (04 for April) and 2 digits for the day within the year and the month (05 for the 5th)

  • the order of these parts; for example, first the 4 digits for the year, then the 2 digits for the month and finally the 2 digits for the day

  • other (possible) typographical characters used in the representation; for example, a line between the year and the month and between the month and the day (e.g., 2018-04-05).

The time formatting masks follows the general rules below.

For a numerical representations of the time units:

  • A digit is denoted through the use of a special character which depends on the time unit. for example Y is for “year”, M is for “month” and D is for “day”

  • The special character is lowercase for the time units shorter than the day (for example h for “hour”, m for “minute”, s for “second”) and uppercase for time units equal to “day” or longer (for example W for “week”, Q for “quarter”, S for “semester”)

  • The number of letters matches the number of digits, for example YYYY means that the year is represented with four digits and MM that the month is of 2 digits

  • The numerical representation is assumed to be padded by leading 0 by default, for example MM means that April is represented as 04 and the year 33 AD as 0033

  • If the numerical representation is not padded, the optional digits that can be omitted (if equal to zero) are enclosed within braces; for example {M}M means that April is represented by 4 and December by 12, while {YYY}Y means that the 33 AD is represented by 33

For textual representations of the time units:

  • Special words denote a textual localized representation of a certain unit, for example DAY means a textual representation of the day (MONDAY, TUESDAY …)

  • An optional number following the special word denote the maximum length, for example DAY3 is a textual representation that uses three characters (MON, TUE …)

  • The case of the special word correspond to the case of the value; for example day3 (lowercase) denotes the values mon, tue …

  • The case of the initial character of the special word correspond to the case of the initial character of the time format; for example Day3 denotes the values Mon, Tue …

  • The letter P denotes the period indicator, (i.e., day, week, month …) and the letter p denotes the number of periods

Representation of more time units:

  • If more time units are used in the same mask (for example years, months, days), it is assumed that the more detailed units (e.g., the day) are expressed through the order number that they assume within the less detailed ones (e.g., the month and the year). For example, if years, weeks and days are used, the weeks are within the year (from 1 to 53) and the days are within the year and the week (from 1 to 7).

  • The position of the digits in the mask denotes the position of the corresponding values; for example, YYYMMDD means four digits for the year followed by two digits for the month and then two digits for the day (e.g., 20180405 means the year 2018, month April, day 5th)

  • Any other character can be used in the mask, meaning simply that it appears in the same position; for example, YYYY-MM-DD means that the values of year, month and day are separated by a line (e.g., 2018-04-05 means the year 2018, month April, day 5th) and \PMM denotes the letter “P” followed by two characters for the month.

  • The special characters and the special words, if prefixed by the reverse slash (\) in the mask, appear in the same position in the time format; for example \PMM\M means the letter “P” followed by two characters for the month and then the letter “M”; for example, P03M means a period of three months (this is an ISO 8601 standard representation for a period of MM months). The reverse slash can appear in the format if needed by prefixing it with another reverse slash; for example YYYY\\MM means for digits for the year, a reverse slash and two digits for the month.

The special characters and the corresponding time units are the following:

C century

Y year

S semester

Q quarter

M month

W week

D day

h hour digit (by default on 24 hours)

m minute

s second

d decimal of second

P period indicator (see the “duration” codes below)

p number of periods

The special words for textual representations are the following:

AM/PM indicator of AM / PM (e.g. am/pm for “am” or “pm”)

MONTH textual representation of the month (e.g., JANUARY for January)

DAY textual representation of the day (e.g., MONDAY for Monday)

Examples of formatting masks for the time scalar type:

A Scalar Value of type time denotes time intervals of any duration and expressed with any precision, which are the intervening time between two time points.

These examples are about three possible ISO 8601 formats for expressing time intervals:

  • Start and end time points, such as “2015-03-03T09:30:45Z/2018-04-05T12:30:15Z”

VTL Mask: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ/YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

  • Start and duration, such as “2015-03-03T09:30:45-01/P1Y2M10DT2H30M”

VTL Mask: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-01/PY\YM\MDD\DT{h}h\Hmm\M

  • Duration and end, such as “P1Y2M10DT2H30M/2018-04-05T12:30:00+02”

VTL Mask: PY\YM\MDD\DT{h}h\Hmm\M/YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

Example of other possible ISO formats having accuracy reduced to the day

  • Start and end, such as “20150303/20180405”


  • Start and duration, such as “2015-03-03/P1Y2M10D”


  • Duration and end, such as “P1Y2M10D/2018-04-05”


Examples of formatting masks for the date scalar type:

A date scalar type is a point in time, equivalent to an interval of time having coincident start and end duration equal to zero.

These examples about possible ISO 8601 formats for expressing dates:

  • Date and day time with separators: “2015-03-03T09:30:45Z”

VTL Mask: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

  • Date and day time without separators “20150303T093045-01 “

VTL Mask: YYYYMMDDThhmmss-01

Example of other possible ISO formats having accuracy reduced to the day

  • Date and day-time with separators “2015-03-03/2018-04-05”


  • Start and duration, such as “2015-03-03/P1Y2M10D”


Examples of formatting masks for the time_period scalar type:

A time_period denotes non-overlapping time intervals having a regular duration (for example the years, the quarters of years, the months, the weeks and so on). The time_period values include the representation of the duration of the period.

These examples are about possible formats for expressing time-periods:

  • Generic time period within the year such as: “2015Q4”, “2015M12””2015D365”

VTL Mask: YYYYP{ppp} where P is the period indicator and ppp three digits for the number of periods, in the values, the period indicator may assume one of the values of the duration scalar type listed below.

  • Monthly period: “2015M03”


Examples of formatting masks for the duration scalar type:

A Scalar Value of type duration denotes the length of a time interval expressed with any precision and without connection to any particular time point (for example one year, half month, one hour and fifteen minutes).

These examples are about possible formats for expressing durations (period / frequency)

  • Non ISO representation of the duration in one character, whose possible codes are:

Code Duration

D Day

W Week

M Month

Q Quarter

S Semester

A Year

VTL Mask: P (period indicator)

  • ISO 8601 composite duration: “P10Y2M12DT02H30M15S” (P stands for “period”)

VTL Mask: \PYY\YM\MDD\DThh\Hmm\Mss\S

  • ISO 8601 duration in weeks: “P018W” (P stands for “period”)


  • ISO 4 characters representation: P10M (ten months), P02Q (two quarters) …

VTL Mask: \PppP

Examples of fixed characters used in the ISO 8601 standard which can appear as fixed characters in the relevant masks:

P designator of duration

T designator of time

Z designator of UTC zone

“+” designator of offset from UTC zone

”-“ designator of offset form UTC zone

/ time interval separator

Attribute propagation

The VTL has different default behaviours for Attributes and for Measures, to comply as much as possible with the relevant manipulation needs. At the Data Set level, the VTL Operators manipulate by default only the Measures and not the Attributes. At the Component level, instead, Attributes are calculated like Measures, therefore the algorithms for calculating Attributes, if any, can be specified explicitly in the invocation of the Operators. This is the behaviour of clauses like calc, keep, drop, rename and so on, either inside or outside the join (see the detailed description of these operators in the Reference Manual).

The users which want to automatize the propagation of the Attributes’ Values can optionally enforce a mechanism, called Attribute Propagation rule, whose behaviour is explained in the User Manual (see the section “Behaviour for Attribute Components”). The adoption of this mechanism is optional, users are free to allow the attribute propagation rule or not. The users that do not want to allow Attribute propagation rules simply will not implement what follows.

In short, the automatic propagation of an Attribute depends on a Boolean characteristic, called “virality”, which can be assigned to any Attribute of a Data Set (a viral Attribute has virality = TRUE, a non-viral Attribute has virality=FALSE, if the virality is not defined, the Attribute is considered as non-viral).

By default, an Attribute propagates from the operand Data Sets (DS_i) to the result Data Set (DS_r) if it is “viral” at least in one of the operand Data Sets. By default, an Attribute which is viral in one of the operands DS_i is considered as viral also in the result DS_r.

The Attribute propagation rule does not apply for the time series operators.

The Attribute propagation rule does not apply if the operations on the Attributes to be propagated are explicitly specified in the expression (for example through the keep and calc operators). This way it is possible to keep in the result also Attribute which are non-viral in all the operands, to drop viral Attributes, to override the (possible) default calculation algorithm of the Attribute, to change the virality of the resulting Attributes.