Abbreviations for the names of the artefacts
The names of the artefacts operated by the VTL-ML come from the VTL IM. In their turn, the names of the VTL IM artefacts are derived as much as possible from the names of the GSIM IM artefacts, as explained in the User Manual.
If the complete names are long, the VTL IM suggests also a compact name, which can be used in place of the complete name in case there is no ambiguity (for example, “Set” instead than “Value Domain Subset”, “Component” instead than “Data Set Component” and so on); moreover, to make the descriptions more compact, a number of abbreviations, usually composed of the initials (in capital case) or the first letters of the words of artefact names, are adopted in this manual:
Complete name |
Compact name |
Abbreviation |
Data Set |
Data Set |
DS |
Data Point |
Data Point |
DP |
Identifier Component |
Identifier |
Id |
Measure Component |
Measure |
Me |
Attribute Component |
Attribute |
At |
Data Set Component |
Component |
Comp |
Value Domain Subset |
Subset or Set |
Set |
Value Domain |
Domain |
VD |
A positive integer suffix (with or without an underscore) can be added in the end to distinguish more than one instance of the same artefact (e.g., DS_1, DS_2, …, DS_N, Me1, Me2, …MeN ). The suffix “r” stands for the result of a Transformation (e.g., DS_r).