Join: inner_join, left_join, full_join, cross_join
- joinOperator ( ds1 { as alias1 }, ds2 { as alias2 } { , dsN { as aliasN } }*
{ using usingComp { , usingComp }* }{ filter filterCondition }{ apply applyExpr| calc calcClause| aggr aggrClause { groupingClause } }{ keep comp {, comp }* | drop comp {, comp }* }{ rename compFrom to compTo { , compFrom to compTo }* } )joinOperator: { inner_join | left_join | full_join | cross_join }¹
calcClause ::= { calcRole } calcComp := calcExpr { , { calcRole } calcComp := calcExpr }*
calcRole ::= { identifier | measure | attribute | viral attribute }¹
aggrClause ::= { aggrRole } aggrComp := aggrExpr { , { aggrRole } aggrComp := aggrExpr }*
aggrRole ::= { measure | attribute | viral attribute }¹
groupingClause ::= { group by groupingId { , groupingId }* | group except groupingId { , groupingId }* | group all conversionExpr }¹ { having havingCondition }
Input parameters
joinOperator |
the Join operator to be applied |
ds1, …, dsN |
the Data Set operands (at least two must be present) [1] |
alias |
optional aliases for the input Data Sets, valid only within the “join” operation
to make it easier to refer to them. If omitted, the Data Set name must be used.
usingComp |
component of the input Data Sets whose values have to match in the join (the
using clause is allowed for the left_join only under certain constraints
described below and is not allowed at all for the full_join and cross_join)
filterCondition |
a condition (boolean expression) at component level, having only Components
of the input Data Sets as operands, which is evaluated for each joined
Data Point and filters them (when TRUE the joined Data Point is kept,
otherwise it is not kept)
applyExpr |
an expression, having the input Data Sets as operands, which is pairwise applied
to all their homonym Measure Components and produces homonym Measure
Components in the result; for example if both the Data Sets ds1 and ds2
have the numeric measures m1 and m2, the clause apply ds1 + ds2 would
result in calculating m1 := ds1#m1 + ds2#m1 and m2 := ds1#m2 + ds2#m2
calcClause |
clause that specifies the Components to be calculated, their roles and their
calculation algorithms, to be applied on the joined and filtered Data Points.
calcRole |
the role of the Component to be calculated |
calcComp |
the name of the Component to be calculated |
calcExpr |
expression at component level, having only Components of the input
Data Sets as operands, used to calculate a Component
aggrClause |
clause that specifies the required aggregations, i.e., the aggregated
Components to be calculated, their roles and their calculation algorithm,
to be applied on the joined and filtered Data Points
aggrRole |
the role of the aggregated Component to be calculated;
if omitted, the Measure role is assumed
aggrComp |
the name of the aggregated Component to be calculated; this is a dependent
Component of the result (Measure or Attribute, not Identifier)
aggrExpr |
expression at component level, having only Components of the input
Data Sets as operands, which invokes an aggregate operator
(e.g. avg, count, max…, see also the corresponding sections)
to perform the desired aggregation. Note that the count
operator is used in an aggrClause without parameters, e.g.:
DS_1 [ aggr Me_1 := count ( ) group by Id_1 ) ]
groupingClause |
the following alternative grouping options:
· group by: the Data Points are grouped by the values of
the specified Identifiers (groupingId). The Identifiers not
specified are dropped in the result.
· group except: the Data Points are grouped by the values of
the Identifiers not specified as groupingId. The specified
Identifiers are dropped in the result.
· group all: converts the values of an Identifier Component
using conversionExpr and keeps all the resulting Identifiers.
groupingId |
Identifier Component to be kept (in the group by clause)
or dropped (in the group except clause).
conversionExpr |
specifies a conversion operator (e.g. time_agg) to convert an
Identifier from finer to coarser granularity. The conversion
operator is applied on an Identifier of the operand Data Set.
havingCondition |
a condition (boolean expression) at component level, having only Components
of the input Data Sets as operands (and possibly constants), to be fulfilled
by the groups of Data Points: only groups for which havingCondition evaluates
to TRUE appear in the result. The havingCondition refers to the groups specified
through the groupingClause, therefore it must invoke aggregate operators
(e.g. avg, count, max…, see also the section Aggregate invocation). A correct
example of havingCondition is max(obs_value) < 1000, while the condition
obs_value < 1000 is not a right havingCondition, because it refers to the
values of single Data Points and not to the groups. The count operator is used
in a havingCondition without parameters, e.g.:
sum ( ds group by id1 having count ( ) >= 10 )
comp |
dependent Component (Measure or Attribute, not Identifier) to be kept
(in the keep clause) or dropped (in the drop clause)
compFrom |
the original name of the Component to be renamed |
compTo |
the new name of the Component after the renaming |
Examples of valid syntaxes
inner_join ( ds1 as d1, ds2 as d2 using Id1, Id2
filter d1#Me1 + d2#Me1 <10
apply d1 / d2
keep Me1, Me2, Me3
rename Id1 to Id10, id2 to id20
left_join ( ds1 as d1, ds2 as d2
filter d1#Me1 + d2#Me1 <10,
calc Me1 := d1#Me1 + d2#Me3,
keep Me1
rename Id1 to Ident1, Me1 to Meas1
full_join ( ds1 as d1, ds2 as d2
filter d1#Me1 + d2#Me1 <10,
aggr Me1 := sum(Me1), attribute At20 := avg(Me2)
group by Id1, Id2
having sum(Me3) > 0
Semantics for scalar operations
The join operator does not perform scalar operations.
Input parameters type
ds1, …, dsN
alias1, …, aliasN
Result type
Additional Constraints
The aliases must be all distinct and different from the Data Set names. Aliases are mandatory for Data Sets which appear more than once in the Join (self-join) and for non-named Data Set obtained as result of a sub-expression. The using clause is not allowed for the full_join and for the cross_join, because otherwise a non-functional result could be obtained.
If the using clause is not specified (we will label this case as “Case A”), calling Id(dsᵢ) the set of Identifier Components of operand dsᵢ, the following group of constraints must hold:
For inner_join, for each pair dsᵢ, dsⱼ, either d(dsᵢ) ⊆ Id(dsⱼ) or Id(ds) ⊆ Id(dsᵢ). In simpler words, the Identifiers of one of the joined Data Sets must be a superset of the identifiers of all the other ones.
For left_join and full_join, for each pair dsᵢ, dsⱼ, Id(dsᵢ) = Id(dsⱼ). In simpler words, the joined Data Sets must have the same Identifiers.
For cross-join (Cartesian product), no constraints are needed.
If the using clause is specified (we will label this case as “Case B”, allowed only for the inner_join and the left_join), all the join keys must appear as Components in all the input Data Sets. Moreover two sub-cases are allowed:
Sub-case B1: the constraints of the Case A are respected and the join keys are a subset of the common Identifiers of the joined Data Sets;
Sub-case B2:
In case of inner_join, one Data Set acts as the reference Data Set which the others are joined to; in case of left_join, this is the left-most Data Set (i.e., ds₁);
All the input Data Sets, except the reference Data Set, have the same Identifiers [Id₁,…, Idₙ];
The using clause specifies all and only the common Identifiers of the non-reference Data Sets[Id₁,…, Idₙ].
The join operators must fulfil also other constraints:
apply, calc and aggr clauses are mutually exclusive
keep and drop clauses are mutually exclusive
comp can be only dependent Components (Measures and Attributes, not Identifiers)
An Identifier not included in the group by clause (if any) cannot be included in the rename clause
An Identifier included in the group except clause (if any) cannot be included in the rename clause. If the aggr clause is invoked and the grouping clause is omitted, no Identifier can be included in the rename clause
A dependent Component not included in the keep clause (if any) cannot be renamed
A dependent Component included in the drop clause (if any) cannot be renamed
The semantics of the join operators can be procedurally described as follows.
A relational join of the input operands is performed, according to SQL inner (inner_join), left-outer (left_join), full-outer (full_join) and Cartesian product (cross_join) semantics (these semantics will be explained below), producing an intermediate internal result, that is a Data Set that we will call “virtual” (VDS₁).
The filterCondition, if present, is applied on VDS₁, producing the Virtual Data Set VDS₂.
The specified calculation algorithms (apply, calc or aggr), if present, are applied on VDS₂. For the Attributes that have not been explicitly calculated in these clauses, the Attribute propagation rule is applied (see the User Manual), so producing the Virtual Data Set VDS₃.
The keep or drop clause, if present, is applied on VDS₃, producing the Virtual Data Set VDS₄.
The rename clause, if present, is applied on VDS₄, producing the Virtual Data Set VDS₅.
The final automatic alias removal is performed in order to obtain the output Data Set.
An alias can be optionally declared for each input Data Set. The aliases are valid only within the “join” operation, in particular to allow joining a dataset with itself (self join). If omitted, the input Data Sets are referenced only through their Data Set names. If the aliases are ambiguous (for example duplicated or equal to the name of another Data Set), an error is raised.
The structure of the virtual Data Set VDS₁ which is the output of the relational join is the following.
For the inner_join, the left_join and the full_join, the virtual Data Set contains the following Components:
The Components used as join keys, which appear once and maintain their original names and roles. In The cases A and B1, all of them are Identifiers. In the sub-case B2, the result takes the roles from the reference Data Set.
In the sub-case B2: the Identifiers of the reference Data Set, which appear once and maintain their original name and role.
The other Components coming from exactly one input Data Set, which appear once and maintain their original name
The other Components coming from more than one input Data Set, which appears as many times as the Data Set they come from; to distinguish them, their names are prefixed with the alias (or the name) of the Data Set they come from, separated by the “#” symbol (e.g., dsᵢ#cmpⱼ). For example, if the Component “population” appears in two input Data Sets “ds1” and “ds2” that have the aliases “a” and “b” respectively, the Components “a#population” and “b#population” will appear in the virtual Data Set. If the aliases are not defined, the two Components are prefixed with the Data Set name (i.e., “ds1#population” and “ds2#population”). In this context, the symbol “#” does not denote the membership operator but acts just as a separator between the the Data Set and the Component names.
If the same Data Set appears more times as operand of the join (self-join) and the aliases are not defined, an exception is raised because it is not allowed that two or more Components in the virtual Data Set have the same name. In the self-join the aliases are mandatory to disambiguate the Component names.
If a Data Set in the join list is the result of a sub-expression, then an alias is mandatory all the same because this Data Set has no name. If the alias is omitted, an exception is raised.
As for the cross_join, the virtual Data Set contains all the Components from all the operands, possibly prefixed with the aliases to avoid ambiguities.
The semantics of the relational join is the following.
The join is performed on some join keys, which are the Components of the input Data Sets whose values are used to match the input Data Points and produce the joined output Data Points.
By default (only for the full_join and the cross_join), the join is performed on the subset of homonym Identifier Components of the input Data Sets.
The parameter using allows to specify different join keys than the default ones, and can be used only for the inner_join and the left_join in order to preserve the functional behaviour of the operations.
The different kinds of relational joins behave as follows.
inner_join: the Data Points of ds1, …, dsN are joined if they have the same values for the common Identifier Components or, if the using clause is present, for the specified Components. A (joined) virtual Data Point is generated in the virtual Data Set VDS₁ when a matching Data Point is found for each one of the input Data Sets. In this case, the Values of the Components of a virtual Data Point are taken from the corresponding Components of the matching Data Points. If there is no match for one or more input Data Sets, no virtual Data Point is generated.
left_join: the join is ideally performed stepwise, between consecutive pairs of input Data Sets, starting from the left side and proceeding towards the right side. The Data Points are matched like in the inner_join, but a virtual Data Point is generated even if no Data Point of the right Data Set matches (in this case, the Measures and Attributes coming from the right Data Set take the NULL value in the virtual Data Set). Therefore, for each Data Points of the left Data Set a virtual Data Point is always generated. These stepwise operations are associative. More formally, consider the generic pair <dsᵢ, dsᵢ₊₁>, where dsᵢ is the result of the left_join of the first “i” operands and dsᵢ₊₁ is the i+1th operand. For each pair <dsᵢ, dsᵢ₊₁>, the joined Data Set is fed with all the Data Points that match in dsᵢ and dsᵢ₊₁ or are only in dsᵢ. The constraints described above guarantee the absence of null values for the Identifier Components of the joined Data Set, whose values are always taken from the left Data Set. If the join succeeds for a Data Point in dsᵢ, the values for the Measures and the Attributes are carried from dsᵢ and dsᵢ₊₁ as explained above. Otherwise, i.e., if no Data Point in dsᵢ₊₁ matches the Data Point in dsᵢ, null values are given to Measures and Attributes coming only from dsᵢ₊₁.
full_join: the join is ideally performed stepwise, between consecutive pairs of input Data Sets, starting from the left side and proceeding toward the right side. The Data Points are matched like in the inner_join and left_join, but the using clause is not allowed and a virtual Data Point is generated either if no Data Point of the right Data Set matches with the left Data Point or if no Data Point of the left Data Set matches with the right Data Point (in this case, Measures and Attributes coming from the non matching Data Set take the NULL value in the virtual Data Set). Therefore, for each Data Points of the left and the right Data Set, a virtual Data Point is always generated. These stepwise operations are associative. More formally, consider the generic pair <dsᵢ, dsᵢ₊₁>, where dsᵢ is the result of the full_join of the first “i” operands and dsᵢ₊₁ is the i+1th operand. For each pair <dsᵢ, dsᵢ₊₁>, the resulting Data Set is fed with the Data Points that match in dsᵢ and dsᵢ₊₁ or that are only in dsᵢ or in dsᵢ₊₁. If for a Data Point in dsᵢ the join succeeds, the values for the Measures and the Attributes are carried from dsᵢ and dsᵢ₊₁ as explained. Otherwise, i.e., if no Data Point in dsᵢ₊₁ matches the Data Point in dsᵢ, NULL values are given to Measures and Attributes coming only from dsᵢ₊₁. Symmetrically, if no Data Point in dsᵢ matches the Data Point in dsᵢ₊₁, NULL values are given to Measures and Attributes coming only from dsᵢ. The constraints described above guarantee the absence of NULL values on the Identifier Components. As mentioned, the using clause is not allowed in this case.
cross_join: the join is performed stepwise, between consecutive pairs of input Data Sets, starting from the left side and proceeding toward the right side. No match is performed but the Cartesian product of the input Data Points is generated in output. These stepwise operations are associative. More formally, consider the ordered pair <dsᵢ, dsᵢ₊₁>, where dsᵢ is the result of the cross_join of the first “i” operands and dsᵢ₊₁ is the i+1-th operand. For each pair <dsᵢ, dsᵢ₊₁>, the resulting Data Set is fed with the Data Points obtained as the Cartesian product between the Data Points of dsᵢ and dsᵢ₊₁. The resulting Data Set will have all the Components from dsᵢ and dsᵢ₊₁. For the Data Sets which have at least one Component in common, the alias parameter is mandatory. As mentioned, the using parameter is not allowed in this case.
The semantics of the clauses is the following.
filter takes as input a Boolean Component expression (having type component<boolean>). This clause filters in or out the input Data Points; when the expression is TRUE the Data Point is kept, otherwise it is not kept in the result. Only one filter clause is allowed.
apply combines the homonym Measures in the source operands whose type is compatible with the operators used in applyExpr, generating homonym Measures in the output. The expression applyExpr can use as input the names or aliases of the operand Data Sets. It applies the expression to all the n-uples of homonym Measures in the input Data Sets producing in the target a single homonym Measure for each n-uple. It can be thought of as the multi-measure version of the calc. For example, if the following aliases have been declared: d1, d2, d3, then the following expression d1+d2+d3, sums all the homonym Measures in the three input Data Sets, say M1 and M2, so as to obtain in the result: M1 := d1#M1 + d2#M1 + d3#M1 and M2 := d1#M2 + d2#M2 + d3#M2. It is not only a compact version of a multiple calc, but also essential when the number of Measures in the input operands is not known beforehand. Only one apply clause is allowed.
calc calculates new Identifier, Measure or Attribute Components on the basis of sub-expressions at Component level. Each Component is calculated through an independent sub-expression. It is possible to specify the role of the calculated Component among measure, identifier, attribute or viral attribute, therefore the calc clause can be used also to change the role of a Component when possible. The keyword viral allows controlling the virality of Attributes (for the Attribute propagation rule see the User Manual). The following rule is used when the role is omitted: if the component exists in the operand Data Set then it maintains that role; if the component does not exist in the operand Data Set then the role is measure. The calcExpr are independent one another, they can only reference Components of the input Virtual Data Set and cannot use Components generated, for example, by other calcExpr. If the calculated Component is a new Component, it is added to the output virtual Data Set. If the Calculated component is a Measure or an Attribute that already exists in the input virtual Data Set, the calculated values overwrite the original values. If the Calculated component is an Identifier that already exists in the input virtual Data Set, an exception is raised because overwriting an Identifier Component is forbidden for preserving the functional behaviour. Analytic operators can be used in the calc clause.
aggr calculates aggregations of dependent Components (Measures or Attributes) on the basis of sub- expressions at Component level. Each Component is calculated through an independent sub-expression. It is possible to specify the role of the calculated Component among measure, identifier, attribute, or viral attribute. The substring viral allows to control the virality of Attributes, if the Attribute propagation rule is adopted (see the User Manual). The aggr sub-expressions are independent of one another, they can only reference Components of the input Virtual Data Set and cannot use Components generated, for example, by other aggr sub-expressions. The aggr computed Measures and Attributes are the only Measures and Attributes returned in the output virtual Data Set (plus the possible viral Attributes, see below Attribute propagation). The sub-expressions must contain only Aggregate operators, which are able to compute an aggregated Value relevant to a group of Data Points. The groups of Data Points to be aggregated are specified through the groupingClause, which allows the following alternative options. | group by: the Data Points are grouped by the values of the specified Identifier. The Identifiers not specified are dropped in the result. | group except: the Data Points are grouped by the values of the Identifiers not specified in the clause. The specified Identifiers are dropped in the result. | group all: converts an Identifier Component using conversionExpr and keeps all the resulting Identifiers. | The having clause is used to filter groups in the result by means of an aggregate condition evaluated on the single groups, for example the minimum number of rows in the group. If no grouping clause is specified, then all the input Data Points are aggregated in a single group and the clause returns a Data Set that contains a single Data Point and has no Identifier Components.
keep maintains in the output only the specified dependent Components (Measures and Attributes) of the input virtual Data Set and drops the non-specified ones. It has the role of a projection in the usual relational semantics (specifying which columns have to be projected in). Only one keep clause is allowed. If keep is used, drop must be omitted.
drop maintains in the output only the non-specified dependent Components (Measures and Attributes) of the input virtual Data Set (component<scalar>) and drops the specified ones. It has the role of a projection in the usual relational join semantics (specifying which columns will be projected out). Only one drop clause is allowed. If drop is used, keep must be omitted.
rename assigns new names to one or more Components (Identifier, Measure or Attribute Components). The resulting Data Set, after renaming all the specified Components, must have unique names of all its Components (otherwise a runtime error is raised). Only the Component name is changed and not the Component Values, therefore the new Component must be defined on the same Value Domain and Value Domain Subset as the original Component (see also the IM in the User Manual). If the name of a Component defined on a different Value Domain or Set is assigned, an error is raised. In other words, rename is a transformation of the variable without any change in its values.
The semantics of the Attribute propagation in the join is the following. The Attributes calculated through the calc or aggr clauses are maintained unchanged. For all the other Attributes that are defined as viral, the Attribute propagation rule is applied (for the semantics, see the Attribute Propagation Rule section in the User the Manual). This is done before the application of the drop, keep and rename clauses, which acts also on the Attributes resulting from the propagation.
The semantics of the final automatic aliases removal is the following. After the application of all the clauses, the structure of the final virtual Data Set is further modified. All the Components of the form “alias#component_name” (or “dataset_name#component_name”) are implicitly renamed into “component_name”. This means that the prefixes in the Component names are automatically removed. It is responsibility of the user to guarantee the absence of duplicated Component names once the prefixes are removed. In other words, the user must ensure that there are no pairs of Components whose names are of the form “alias1#c1” and “alias2#c1” in the structure of the virtual Data Point, since the removal of “alias1” and “alias2” would cause the clash. If, after the aliases removal two Components have the same name, an error is raised. In particular, name conflicts may derive if the using clause is present and some homonym Identifier Components do not appear in it; these components should be properly renamed because cannot be removed; the input Data Set have homonym Measures and there is no apply clause which unifies them; these Measures can be renamed or removed.
Given the operand datasets DS_1 and DS_2, DS_3 and that || is the string concatenation:
Input DS_1 (see structure)
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
1 |
A |
A |
B |
1 |
B |
C |
D |
2 |
A |
E |
F |
Input DS_2 (see structure)
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1A |
Me_2 |
1 |
A |
B |
Q |
1 |
B |
S |
T |
3 |
A |
Z |
M |
Input DS_3 (see structure)
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
1 |
A |
B |
Q |
1 |
B |
S |
T |
3 |
A |
Z |
M |
Example 1
DS_r := inner_join (DS_1 as d1, DS_2 as d2 keep Me_1, d2#Me_2, Me_1A );
results in (see structure):
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
Me_1A |
1 |
A |
A |
Q |
B |
1 |
B |
C |
T |
S |
Example 2
DS_r := left_join ( DS_1 as d1, DS_2 as d2 keep Me_1, d2#Me_2, Me_1A );
results in (see structure):
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
Me_1A |
1 |
A |
A |
Q |
B |
1 |
B |
C |
T |
S |
2 |
A |
E |
Example 3
DS_r := full_join ( DS_1 as d1, DS_2 as d2 keep Me_1, d2#Me_2, Me_1A );
results in (see structure):
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
Me_1A |
1 |
A |
A |
Q |
B |
1 |
B |
C |
T |
S |
2 |
A |
E |
3 |
A |
M |
Z |
Example 4
DS_r := cross_join (DS_1 as d1, DS_2 as d2 rename d1#Id_1 to Id11, d1#Id_2 to Id12, d2#Id_1 to Id21, d2#Id_2 to Id22, d1#Me_2 to Me12 );
results in (see structure):
Id11 |
Id12 |
Id21 |
Id22 |
Me_1 |
Me12 |
Me_1A |
Me_2 |
1 |
A |
1 |
A |
A |
B |
B |
Q |
1 |
A |
1 |
B |
A |
B |
S |
T |
1 |
A |
3 |
A |
A |
B |
Z |
M |
1 |
B |
1 |
A |
C |
D |
B |
Q |
1 |
B |
1 |
B |
C |
D |
S |
T |
1 |
B |
3 |
A |
C |
D |
Z |
M |
2 |
A |
1 |
A |
E |
F |
B |
Q |
2 |
A |
1 |
B |
E |
F |
S |
T |
2 |
A |
3 |
A |
E |
F |
Z |
M |
Example 5
DS_r := inner_join (DS_1 as d1, DS_2 as d2 filter Me_1 = "A" calc Me_4 := Me_1 || Me_1A drop d1#Me_2);
results in (see structure):
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_1A |
Me_2 |
Me_4 |
1 |
A |
A |
B |
Q |
AB |
Example 6
DS_r := inner_join ( DS_1 filter Id_2 ="B" calc Me_2 := Me_2 || "_NEW" keep Me_1, Me_2);
results in (see structure):
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
1 |
B |
C |
Example 7
DS_r := inner_join (DS_1 as d1, DS_3 as d2 apply d1 || d2);
results in (see structure):
Id_1 |
Id_2 |
Me_1 |
Me_2 |
1 |
A |
AB |
BQ |
1 |
B |
CS |
DT |